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when 12 rolled around i slowly unclipped my sling and moved it it seemed alright as i got dressed into my black hoodie, leggings and headphones with my hair down brushed out infront over the front of my shoulders.

i walked down the street to jeffs. i walked down the dark hallways of the pizzarea down to the dusty ballpit. i slowly aproached it everything in me screamed not to go in but i dove down into the pit.

in 100 seconds i came back up gasping for air again coughing from the dust. my eyes locked on the dark pizzarea...where was i?...this wasnt...

it was dark and dusty, moss coated the walls a deep moldy green. i blinked a few times to make sure i wasnt dreaming till i slowly got out of the ballpit this place was abandoned.

before i could walk down the hall two massive yellow hands wrapped around my arms.

"OSWAL!-.." a deep british voice yelled into my ear till it sniffed my neck growling.

"Oh....youre his daughter....you both have that same smell" he dropped me on my ass.

"W-who are you?" i whimpered scrambling backwards.

"Why dont you ask daddy about that little girl" suddenly he lunged at me.

i ran quickly before he could grab me.


he chased after me like sonic i had no chance.

before i could dive into the pit i felt him grab my ankle yanking me back.

"Wont be making that mistake again" his voice growled.

"NO!- PLEASE! LET GO OF ME!" i immedietly started sobbing.

"Ugh, youre so emotional" he groaned dragging you off and to your feet.

"STOP IT!! HELP!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"aw- did you forget youre in 1990? pfft- love id stop screaming if i were you liable to loose your voice this building was abandoned long ago were in the middle of nowhere darling"

"WHAT DO YOU WANT!?" I kicked and screamed.

"Youre oswalds daughter hm?..."

"Yes.." i cried

"....i want to make that little shit pay for what he did to me" he growled.

"Wh-what how do you know my father?"

"Oh...i see the little disapointment is also a liar too hm?"


"You see your father he was just like you" he released me circling around me like a shark.

"Stupid..." his arm bumped into me.

"Neive..." he whispered into my ear causing me to spin around.

"foolish..." his voice whispered behind me again as i shot around only to be grabbed from behind again.

"Your father wanted to explore too..he wanted...more to his life...and just like you he found the ballpit..he went back.." he whispered shoving me forward.

"in time...it all went well...till he met me...i escaped shapeshifting to oswalds father. it was going good and i even killed his mother...however..." he spun me around suddenly making me trip over my own feet.

"That little shit ruined it and rescued his father! i nearly had him I GOT A GOOD BITE TOO his arm was between my jaws till he got me trapped in the stupid nets!!" He tore the net.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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