Confessions of a Teenage Drama Prince

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Sounds of birds chirping awoke Robin, ironically. He could feel sweat running down his forehead before even opening his own eyes, the heat had been dreadful lately. After Emmeryn's death everything seemed to become peaceful. The days lazily rolled by without much happening. Chrom requested for Robin to stay inside the castle, but he felt too much of a burden. Instead, found himself getting his own place. It was a bit small, but cozy. Robin swung his legs over the side of his bed and stretched, feeling drowsy. Today he was supposed to go meet Chrom, who had invited him over. A nice gesture, but after the war had ended he felt like Chrom and him had little to talk about. Throughout the time they spent together it was mainly about tactics and bonds. He felt the bonds diminishing as each day passed by, which made his heart ache. It was no secret to himself that he loved Chrom, but he had already found a wife. It would be wrong to interfere in those matters. Robin pushed these thoughts to the back of his head as he dressed himself and then stepped out of his house, squinting as the harsh sunlight greeted him. People were hustling about, gossiping amongst each other. At Robin, probably. His Plegian robes caused disappoving stares in his direction. He buried his hands into his pockets and headed towards the castle, trying to fix stray pieces of hair that flung into his field of vision. Perhaps a haircut would be best, he was starting to resemble a sheep that needed sheering.

Laughing to himself, he approached the gates. The guards happily let him in and he gave a small thanks, stepping toward the large, open doors. He wondered where Chrom would be, hoping he didn't come too early.

His question was answered quickly as his blue haired friend came stumbling down the stairs, his face seemed to be lit up with happiness which in return made Robin's face flush slightly.

"Robin, you made it!" Chrom boasted, "But your face is all red? Are you alright, did the heat get to you on the way here?" he laughed, slapping his friend on the back. Robin winced a little, not used to the weight. His redness wasn't due to the outside.

"Probably." he lied.

"You should sit down for a bit, then." Chrom gestured towards the dining room. "We were just about to eat, actually. I'd love if you'd join."

Robin nodded and the pair walked together, luckily it didn't feel as awkward as their previous exchanges. They sat at the table, another pair of footsteps were quickly approaching which made them turn their attention. Sumia walked in with a huge smile on her face, maybe even a slightly devious one? Robin felt confused but smiled at her anyway.

"Robin! I've absolutely been begging Chrom to invite you over lately, I'm glad you're here." she sat next to Chrom and planted a small kiss on his cheek, Robin's faced burned a little. It was her right, as his wife. Who was Robin to get so angry?

"I'm happy to be here, as well. Life by myself has been a little dull." he admitted.

"Oh, you simply haven't found a lady yet." Sumia winked.

"Enough." Chrom warned, "Leave Robin's personal affairs out of this."

Sumia sighed, but nodded. Robin was happy for the intervention. A maid brought out their food, setting it softly in front of them with a small clank noise. Robin seemed to inhale his meal, he never ate this well at his own house seeing as he wasn't the best cook around. He had cleaned his plate swiftly and sighed happily, patting his stomach. After a few moments of silence Sumia got up.

"Dear, I'm going out to see my pegasus at the stable today. I've been putting it off all week." she made a small frown.

Chrom nodded, "Alright then. Make sure you ask a-"

"-guard to escort me?" she finished, "I will. Don't you worry!" Sumia waved then trotted off.

Chrom sighed, "You're a lucky man to not have a nagging wife at your side."

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