Just give me some time!

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Robin pulled the covers over him, sighing. It had been at least a week since Chrom promised to return to his home. He had waited, like he asked. He stayed put. But not even a letter had approached his lonely door. He tried to fight it but the hot lump formed in his throat already, his vision was blurring from the tears. Of course this was going to happen. He couldn't expect Chrom to actually leave his wife for him. What a fool, Robin thought to himself. A stupid idiot. He caught himself sitting up since he caused his nose to become stuffed. Robin wiped his tears with his blanket then sniffed a few times. He shouldn't have expected anything.

A knock at the door made his heart leap. Frightened, he pushed the covers off the bed. Robin stood up, his heart pounding. Cautiously, he tiptoed toward it. Surely, it couldn't be...?

He creaked it open slowly, and saw a familiar set of blue eyes fixated on him.

"C-Chrom!" Robin's voice cracked and he cleared his throat, letting him in.

"I.." he started to say. He knew an apology was in order. Then he noticed Robin's tired, red eyes and equally red nose.

"Oh, are you ill?" he asked with concern, putting his hand on his shoulder.

"No, just a bit chilly." Robin lied, wiping his eyes.

Chrom nodded, putting his other hand on him, then pulling him into a tight hug. "I really didn't think it would take this long." he ruffled Robin's hair, which was thick with sweat. Didn't he just say he was cold?

"It didn't feel right just throwing Sumia out to the wolves. I waited to hear her safe return, after the papers and such had been signed. Then, some news came up of a neighboring town being unfriendly! I had to leave immediately. It took a while for them to calm, dastards. Then, when I came back from that Frederick had fallen ill! It was the strangest thing. He has never been sick before. Even then, he insisted on continuing with his duty. Of course I couldn't allow such a thing, so I had to watch him to make sure he didn't start cooking or dusting. He even barely fell asleep moments ago! I ran over here as fast as I could." Chrom took a few deep breaths after that long sentence.

Robin felt relief settle inside him, the doubt that festered over the past few days disintegrated into nothingness when he was swept into the others arms. He closed his eyes and let in all sink in. Chrom wasn't leaving him, he was right here. He wasn't being abandoned. He wasn't alone.

"Chrom, I..." Robin squeezed his shoulders a bit too hard. "I'm just so glad you're here. Honestly, I thought you weren't going to come."

The prince felt extremely guilty, having leaving his little Robin alone. He pulled away from the hug and looked at him, the guilt felt overwhelming. At least he came back as soon as he could, right? Robin wasn't so weak to just give up easily, he thought.

"I am here, and I'm not going anywhere okay?" Chrom smiled at him. "Now, Ylisse is usually peaceful at night. I don't want to take any chances, though. Let's rest up here, then tomorrow morning we'll leave." he nodded.

Robin smiled, "I'm going to miss this home though. What will I do with my furniture and such?"

"Oh, do you want it? We can furnish a room just for you, with all of your stuff. If you wish it so."

"You can do that?" Robin sounded amazed.

Chrom chuckled, "For you, I sure would!"

Both of them laughed, then a silence. The reality had really sunken in, Chrom left his wife for him. Did Robin feel guilty? On the surface, of course he made that face. Deep inside, in the inner mechanics of his mind he was glad, though. He had wanted Sumia gone since the moment he saw her clinging to the Lord's arm. This side of him didn't surface, however.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2018 ⏰

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