Chapter 1 - Fight

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3rd Person

Everybody was stood in shock, watching their town fall apart right before their eyes.

Will began to hear a ringing in his ears.

"I've been waiting for your return, William." A deep voice spoke from everywhere around him.

Will began to panic, looking around to see who said that.

"Will, hey, what's wrong?" Mike spoke gently, but his voice was full of concern.

"I-I thought.." Will whispered, trailing off.

"What? What's wrong?" Mike looked at him, dead in the eyes.

"I-.. Nothing." Will muttered, wondering whether he was just imagining things.

They all just kept standing there, not moving their eyes from the clouds of smoke consuming the sky.

"We should probably go back now.." Hopper grumbled, and there was a couple hums of agreement.

Everybody started walking back, and Joyce spoke up.

"Nancy, Mike, would it be okay if Will, El and Jonathan could stay at your house for a while? Until we get the cabin fixed?" Joyce looked between the two Wheeler siblings, who were looking at eachother.

"Yeah, yeah of course." Nancy smiled.

"Thank you." Joyce smiled back weakly.

Nancy nodded back, flashing a quick smile before rushing everybody back to the Wheeler's house.

(At the Wheeler's house)

"Okay, Will you can sleep in Mikes room, El, you can have the basement or you could share with Holly?" Nancy spoke.

"I don't mind sharing with Holly." Eleven smiled softly,

"Okay, it's getting late so why don't we all go to bed then?" Nancy offered, and everybody agreed.

"Night." Everyone spoke, going off to their rooms.

Mike and Will were now in Mike's room, and they were both incredibly quiet.

"What happened?" Mike asked.

"W-What do you mean?" Will sounded confused.

"Outside, you were panicking. I could tell." Mike told him.

"Oh, right. Nothing I just.. thought I heard someone." Will lied, hoping Mike wouldn't press on the matter.

"Oh. Uh, alright." Mike mumbled, knowing Will was lying to him.

Why would he lie? - Mike thought to himself.

"Can I borrow some of your pjs..?" Will asked Mike.

"Yeah of course." Mike smiled down at Will, who smiled weakly back.

He took the pjs and left the room to go to the bathroom and change, leaving Mike to think.

"Why would he lie to me..? I know that something is wrong! He's always told me everything.. I don't understand."  - Mike muttered to himself, getting changed aswell.

He pulled on a pair of shorts and kept his shirt off, as it was oddly warm in his room.

Will walked back into the room which made Mike look up.

"Hey." Mike smiled softly.

"Hi." Will smiled back, coming to sit on Mike's bed.

"You can sleep in the bed and I'll sleep on the floor, you're the guest." Mike told him, pulling a blanket out from underneath the bed for him to lay on.

"W-Woah what? No, no. You get the bed, it's your house!" Will shook his head.

"Will. Take the bed." Mike looked up at him.

"Mike.. I-"

"Just take the bed for gods sake." Mike scoffed, making Will giggle a bit.

"Okay, okay!" Will put his arms up in defence, walking over to the bed.

They both got into bed, not going to sleep and just looking at each other.

"I-.. Are you okay?" Mike asked Will, again.

"Yeah, of course." Will lied.

"No, no your not! I know you aren't, Will! Why are you lying to me?" Mike began to get annoyed, his voice raising slightly.

Will looked down, debating whether to tell Mike or not.

"I- I'm not lying to you." Will avoided eye contact.

"Seriously? Will I know you better then this." Mike sighed.

"I don't know what you want me to say.." Will whispered.

"I want you to talk to me! Will I'm your best friend, come on." Mike pleaded.

"Are you? Because we have been having so many arguments lately! The one at rink-o-mania? The one outside of your garage? You didn't send any letters to me, Mike! I waited for weeks and none came in, I waited for months! And every time a letter came I would think 'Oh, maybe Mike finally sent me one!' but no! It's always for El!" Will cried, and Mike just looked at him.

"I-.." Mike went to speak, but no words came out.

"..Exactly." Will sniffled, turning the other way.

"Goodnight, Mike." Will mumbled, closing his eyes.

"N-Night." Mike muttered, closing his eyes aswell.

Mike heard Will sniffle for a few minutes, before it finally stopped and he could hear the steady rhythm of Will's breathing.

{Word Count: 772}

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