Fifteen: Mary

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So Sherlock, after all, was the one to kill the man Mary had wanted to so badly. Charles Augustus Magnussen.

And, after all, he didn't get sent away to Europe for it.

And everybody was happy.

The boys were talking in the living room of Mary's and John's house, while her and Irene where discussing matters over a cup of tea.

"Well, Miss Adler," Mary sighed.

"Well, Miss Morstan. Oh - I mean, Mrs Watson. But you know, Adler and Watson doesn't sound as good as Adler and Morstan."

"I think you'll find Watson and Adler has a better ring to it. My name was always first. It was Morstan and Adler, now it's Watson and Adler," Mary laughed, and Irene joined in.

"Our first mission wasn't so successful, was it?" Irene joked.

"Well, maybe our next one should be on the other side of the law," Mary suggested.

"What, you mean, detectives? Like John and Sherlock? Oh, I don't know, I wouldn't want to outshine the boys!"

"Yeah, maybe that is a bit too safe," Mary agreed. "Well, I'm sure something will come along. Whether it's with or against the police, it'll be for the best cause."

"Wait - do you mean morally best?" Irene asked, appalled.

"No, I mean the most exciting." Mary explained.

"Ah," Irene grinned, nodding. "Yes, that's much better."

There was a short silence in which they both sipped their tea.

"Don't you think it's weird how we're with people that are technically against us? I mean, we're both criminals, and the boys are the golden men of the country," Irene said, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, you're boyfriend did just shoot a man."

"Boyfriend?" Irene questioned. She scrunched up her face. "I don't know if Sherlock is my boyfriend."

"Well, what is he, then? Your what?"

"Just mine," Irene grinned.

The women laughed.

So, once again, Watson and Adler weren't just friends, they were business partners.

New target? The world.

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