Episode One MY NEW LIFE

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After I finally defeat all for one & Tomura Shigaraki i  smiled but then  felt a pain in my side I looked at my stomach to see I was bleeding out I drop to my knees I see uraraka running towards me screaming my name but it was too late everything goes black and I knew this was it my final moments I'll miss everyone I'm glad I got to save them like I always wanted to ...a HERO who always smiles.

I then wake up to see someone in white coat and shirt he looked at me with a smile

???: Nice to meet you izuku midorya my name's Daniel nice to meet an amazing hero

Izuku: well thanks I wouldn't say amazing but thanks...so what is this place

Daniel: izuku your hole life you never got to be a kid you we're always bullied for being quirkless your hole life ,had to be in a war and now You've sacrifice yourself for the world. Midorya I believe you deserve a new beginning a new world we're Quirks don't exist we're super powers are based off comics... So you have a choice would you like to be reborn in this world you don't have to if you don't want to. Its your Choice.

Izuku began to think to himself about being reincarnated into a different world with no Quirks could he actually be normal but it would be interesting and maybe it will be fun so he smiles

Izuku: okay Mr Daniel sir I accept

Daniel: you won't regret this izuku have fun in the new world

He gets up and holds out he's hand izuku gets up and shakes it then white flash izuku disappears into the new world Daniel was just standing there smiling to himself then he heard a knock

Daniel: come in

???: Uh Daniel I was just wondering did you send izuku midorya to world three hundred and twenty?

Daniel: yes why?

??? : oof uh that world gonna have a zombie outbreak in July 13th 2003

Daniel: .....oh shit....


Izuku was reborn in the world Daniel sent him he soon realized he's mom was also in this world inko midorya but he never thought he would see he's dad again after he left them things we're looking great so far in this world until he was four years old they had to move to America izuku dad got job at a small town in Stone Mountain, Georgia . Izuku was nervous to be in new Town with different people after moving in they met their neighbor's the Paul's izuku saw a kid same age as him with light brown hair color the kid was looking at Izuku curious too because of he's dark green hair color

Izuku: u-u-u-um h-h-hi m-m-my name's izuku midorya what's your name

??? B-ben .. Ben Paul nice to meet you izuku

The boy smiled at izuku after that day they became good friends Ben introduced izuku to he's friend Travis and they became a trio as the years go by izuku was actually quite popular in school this time there we're still bullies but izuku really didn't mind them he still knew how to fight so if he sees anyone getting picked on or causing trouble he'll stop them after all he Still had he's hero heart most times when he wasn't hanging out with Ben or Travis he would train like he did in the old world just in case he needed to defend himself and those he loved ... He missed he's friends but is glad he has new ones ben was Generally awkward, insecure and self-conscious he reminds me of me sometimes when I was nervous or scared around people because of my middle school days so I try and help build he's confidence up Travis was a friend but he was full of himself and sometimes dimwitted but he was an okay guy to hang out with.

I still write in my journal like I did in the Old world but just stuff about this one...some make fun of it but I don't care it was still my hobby one time Ben caught me writing about my friends in the old world about their powers and he was excited he told me I should write a comic about it like that Robert Kirman who made invincible
So I thought why not one way to tribute my fellow classmates  and  surprisingly people actually enjoyed it and wanted more of it so I continue it and called it my hero academia.
one day Travis said we should join the marching band I was confused why but Ben for some reason agreed to this it seems he would follow Travis anywhere like he was the leader...kinda how I was with kacchan I kinda knew why Travis would want to join probably thinks he can pick up chicks if he joins yep denki would of probably liked him so I was going to decline but then thought more about it and it did sound like fun so I joined the marching band with them I've been playing with a quitar because of my promise to jirou if we made it out of the war we would practice together but you me being dead and all  but I always keep my promises now that I joined it was actually pretty fun It was scary at times to play Infront of people but I've gotten used to it my parents we're proud even ben family was. i was really happy I wish i can thank Daniel again for this .
              (Year July 13th 2003)
I'm seventeen years old now I was saying goodbye to my parents because the marching band was taking a trip  I saw Ben outside hugging he's sister I waited for him after he was done we walked to school at the front of the school Travis was waving at us we we're all excited for this trip it was going to be the best.... until it started these things started coming after us we had to take shelter in the school gym everyone was crying trying to call their families I was begging to realize what they we're they we're zombies some of us started settling down I tried to call my parents by no answer I grit my teeth I was angry

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