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I'm trapped in a hole

I don't know how I got here

Maybe I dug it myself... maybe I just fell in

Maybe someone put me here, or watched it happen without a care

All I know is I'm in this hole, and I don't know how to get out

The bottom is muddy, and gross

Covered is bugs, and blood

I don't know who's blood it is

It might be mine

I'm the only one in this hole, it must be mine

It's just me in here, alone

All alone

And I don't know how to get out

The sides are made of sharp rocks, I think I could climb them, but it would hurt

I think it would hurt too much, I don't think I want do it

With how much it hurts, is it even worth the work of trying to get out?

The sides are slippery, covered in something

Is it water? Maybe it's mud... maybe it's more blood

I can't tell, I can't see it

Maybe I don't want to see it

Maybe I'm worried that if I see it I'll feel stupid

Stupid for not seeing it

Stupid for not seeing an easy way out

Everyone else thinks I'm stupid

I call up for help, tell them I'm stuck

They say it's easy, and give me a good luck

Some chuckle, and say it's not real

Some get mad, and tell me to stop

Stop pretending to be stuck

Stop pretending to be in pain

I didn't mean to be in pain, it was an accident

But now that I'm here

I'm in pain

I'm trapped in the hole

I can't get out

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