Ch. 3: Training Facility 2/3: More Threats and Rebecca in Trouble

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Marcus's Office

Izuku's Pov.

I split up from Billy and Rebecca. I told them to check out the other rooms which had the armor knights beside them. I went to check out the armored door next to the lecture room.

I entered to find more zombies and took care of them. After that, I walked forward to find a door and I opened it.

When I entered, I found myself in an office with a big chess board floor. It's definitely Marcus's, Who else would it be?

Izuku (muttered): Well, this is interesting, Marcus really fantasizes about Chess.

I looked around for some and spotted another chessboard on Marcus's desk. It had the exact chess pieces of the big Chessboard. I gave Rebecca and Billy a radio call.

Izuku (radio): Guys, this is Izuku I found a chessboard and another Chessboard but bigger.

Billy (radio): Yeah, he obsessed with Chess, so?

Izuku (radio): Yeah but there's something odd about this, I'ma try something.

I put my radio away and started moving the chessboard pieces to the exact same pieces on the table. When I was done, I heard a click and something moved.

I checked Marcus's table and saw a book called; "Book of Evil." I opened it and found a black wing and it looked like it connects to something. Also, there's something else that caught my interest, Marcus's Diary.

Marcus' Diary 1

December 4th

We finally did it... the new virus!

We have called it the "Progenitor."

I want to carry it back and start detailed investigations immediately.

March 23rd

Spencer says he's going to start a company.

Well, I don't care, as long as I can continue my research into "Progenitor."

He can do what he likes...

August 19th

Spencer keeps asking me to be the director of his new training facility.

Maybe it's because of the business, but he's becoming intolerably pushy.

But, maybe I can turn this to my advantage. I need a special facility to properly explore all this virus' secrets.

A place where no one will get in the way...

November 30th

Damn that Spencer... He came to complain to me again today.
He thinks of "Progenitor" as nothing more than a money-spinning tool. Fool!

But if his influence continues to grow, it can only be bad for my research.

If I'm to properly develop "Progenitor," I must strengthen my own position too.

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