he's watching...

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Bakugou's pov
I don't like the idea of being with this half'n'half, 4 eyed Freak, I hate that I was stuck with him, but then again it's better than being stuck with racoon eyes, eyebags, dipshit or other wastes of a human life sources so I sucked it up and delt with it"alright, let's go this route"said 4 eyed "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO DAMNIT!", but I still headed the same way

Shinsou's pov

Good thing I had my scarf, I used it to grab a tree to break my fall before I hit the ground, I found out that midoria had been carving a rock and it was really sharp, it slightly ripped my training uniform giving me a minor cut, I pulled myself upward and landed on my feet, I checked my phone to see where I was but of course...no cell service and I am now stuck in the middle of nowhere, I started wondering around when....GAHH!?!?, My head hurt really bad, and I touched the Bach of my head and I saw that I was bleeding, I just wanted to get out of here and find a place to rest for a while, I heard low growling and I couldn't make out what it was so, for safe measure, I mixed the sound using my mask, and tried to make it back down, but I hightailed it when I found out it was a small group of bears

Midoria's pov
I know what I did was wrong, but I really want to be with kacchan and I won't let anyone get in the way of that, I am certain that shinsou would have fallen to his death and I was currently running to alarm everybody that he was attached and stuff, and I tried my best to make it sound like I was actually scared and in a panic"GUYS, GUYS, SHIN-SHINSOU WAS ATTACKED, HE WASN'T ABLE TO PROTECT HIMSELF AND I TRIED TO HELP, BUT IT WAS TOO LATE!!!" I said sarcastically, trying to sound as real as possible, everybody gasped and I hid a huge smirk that was making its way into my mouth,then Mr. Aizawa sensi then called everyone back and I hid myself, so no one could see me covering up my laugh as he explained the situation to everyone, the girls cried, apart from jirou, the boys felt a little sad, but bakugou was the only one who seemed more shocked, and for one, he actually looked concerned and confused not angry, I then felt really bad, I went to give kacchan a hug, and he didn't resist, so I guess it was worth it!?, but I still felt bad nun the less, then found myself quietly crying into kacchans shoulder and thought to myself "what the hell have I done!?"

bakugou's pov
I didn't know how to feel about this, is he really that weak..., No he can't be, he could take me on just fine, how could he get ambushed and not put up a fight, I felt that what deku must have told aizawa, might be far fetched than he makes it seem, he came over to hug me, and he had regret in his eyes, he might have really tried to save him, but just... couldn't, he broke down In tears and I was still in shock about the whole thing

Shinsou's pov
I finally made my was out into a clearing and rested against a tree, I literally just couldn't outrun them and I almost got mauled by the bears, I barely escaped with my life with blood all over me,both mine and the Bears, guess who won the fight~, I slaughtered them and although trying to hide my massive head wound, I noticed that I wasn't alone, a bear cub approached me, and I kinda felt bad, maybe that was his family, it made me remember when my family was killed, I felt like a monster, it seemed injured, so I tried my best to keep it calm, I got pretty hungry, so I mind controlled a few fish, and got them out of the near my stream and made a fire to cook them, I guess the bear likes fish so I gave it a few, I tried to pet it but it ran to hide, then I realised that there was blood all over me, and I just tried to find some cell service, I walked a few miles and managed to get some bars, then I messaged bakugou because he was the only one online, such a phone addict

Shin:hay bakugou, I finally got signal, are you there

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