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"(Y/N)? (Y/N)!!!" I awoke to see Lilly hugging me. She looked at me,
"Y-you're crying.." I whisper and put my hand on her cheek to wipe away the tears.
"I was so weren't waking up." She sobbed continually.
"I'm okay now, thank you, Lilly." I look around and realize I'm lying in my room in the celestial world.

"She can't get away with this!" Lilly said
"Relax. We've been through worse. All of her spirits." I said sitting up; ignoring the pain. "That reminds me- us keys- are going to see the King. Well, her keys at least. We're going to try and convince him to banish her from owning another Celestial Spirit." Lilly smiled, finally calming down after I could stand. I groan.
"Again? We tried last month. He's going to say no- she hasn't 'Crossed The Line'."
"I'd say she has. Come on, at least try." She was pulling in my arm back and forth. I laugh ever so slightly.
"Okay- okay. Let's go then." I flash her a grand smile.


"For the last time Silver's- No. Sarha hasn't done anything that goes against the conduct." The Celestial King said.
"But she hurts us! Spirits aren't Shields! We're living beings! We deserve love and respect! For our owner to be our friend not our master! She hurt my (Y/N) for gods sakes!" Lilly's voice started to crack. I raised my shirt to expose my ribs. The Celestial Spirit King seemed spooked but dismissed it and just nodded.

"I understand Lilly, Guardian Of The Plants, but I simply can't banish her from a few hits." "A few?! She's hurt us all! You have no idea what we go through you old man!" Starmen, the spirit of Light, yelled.
"Yeah! We go through hell and we can't even rely on our King!?" Robin, The spirit of flight, shouts. "You only help the Zodiacs!" Storm, the spirit of natural causes roars.
"You're no better than her!" Luna, the spirit of the night cried. All at once the king was attacked by constant hate remarks and a riot formed between us all. I couldn't contain my anger anymore.


I don't know what went went through me, but I said what I felt. More roars blasted through all of Sarha's spirits.
"ENOUGH!" The king roared, instantly, we all grew silent.
"My children are the most important to me, (Y/N), spirit of sound. But you have all angered me, making me seem as the enemy-"
"It's Sarha! She's the-"
"Aqua, quiet." The king continued,
"I love you all very much. It pains me to see you treated unfairly. But you all signed contracts and even I cannot do anything about it. Not unless she-
"Crosses The Line. We know this, old man." I groaned.
"Exactly, (Y/N). Now, I do not want to hear anymore about this matter. Dismissed." And he vanished. Everyone looked at each other with scared looks. We were alone in this.
"Let's go guys. Obviously we have no one." They mumbled to each other and nodded as confirming we only had each other.


"He's a fool! I hate him!" I yelled punching the wall.
"(Y/N), he cares, but he's right. We signed a contract and it can't be broken unless both spirit and owner agree to end it. And we obviously know she won't agree." Lilly said laying down on my bed.
"Whatever. She needs to be punished." Quickly I feel a slap on my cheek. Somehow Lilly hit me.
"Don't ever say that- you're no better than she is, if you do that. Beside, it's against the contract to harm the owner- you'll be banished from the Celestial world and we can't survive long in the outside." I stare at my friend and look away, knowing she was right.

"Whatever." I mumble and walk to my desk. I run my fingers through my hair, angered by everyone and everything.

I hate this life- I hate it! I hate! it I hate it!

Tears start stinging in my eyes and I let them fall. Lilly runs over to me and places her hand on my shoulder.
"Why...why us..?" I whisper to heaps of breath. "Who knows, (Y/N)..who knows. Only death can banish her." I look up to my dearest friend and embrace her.
"What would I do with out you.." And I didn't let go. As long as I had Lilly, nothing bad would ever happen

REBEL {Loke x Reader} [A Fairy Tail Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now