Chapter 12

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They all went home and it's already evening... The ladies in the home are too busy to notice that  the kids went out and came back only now... Finston was tired so he fell asleep as soon as he came back.. Helena didn't wanted to go back home so she decided to kill time by watching a horror movie.. She dragged cabel with her for company even though she know he is scared of it .

Athy went to her room and lucas opened the door to see her sitting on the floor playing with Lego set.. She has been making a bike for some days now..

"finally you are free huh..." she looked up to see lucas sitting beside her and smiled..

" what do you mean free only now .? I have been  free all day long..."

she said titling her head..her long blonde hair touching the floor shining like golden threads.

" You are always busy.. You have so many followers to teach in school and many friends to spend your time with., it's so hard for me to get a lone time with you these days.." he said sulking and she stared at him silently...

His eyes slowly turned to her sides as there is no reaction from her .. She is looking down silently...

" wha.

He was about to talk but she started laughing hard..

" what's so funny...?" he asked still sulking

" pfft... You are so cute.. Are you jealous..? "she asked giggling... He can't stay with frown as her smile is too cute his lips are twitching to smile badly but  he managed to stay poker faced somehow

" who is jealous..? I am not.. I am just a poor guy whose girlfriend don't even spent some time with him"he said and she laughed even more..

" really..? Hahaha " she laughed..

" you seems to like it if I get jealous huh.? "he mumbled.. Staring at her looking so happy

" hmm..i feel happy... You rarely show how you really feel so I am  happy that you are talking from your heart lucas.. You always stays calm so I was worried.. How can I find if you aren't feeling good when you don't express your feelings..?!thats why .. " she said and smiled..

Lucas. P. O. V.

I stared at her unblinked.. I would never forget this sight.. She literally glowed from the sunlight seeping inside through the  windows..

Even the sunset can't match this beautiful sight

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Even the sunset can't match this beautiful sight.. To me .. she is the most beautiful girl in the world...

How can someone's smile be this radiant..?!!! Her smile is enough to light up my entire  soul and life... she is too precious for me and  it makes me wonder ' do I  really deserve her..?!! '

What if  one day she  stops loving me...?!! That thought makes me feel a pang in my heart... Let's not think negatively.. A corner of my mind kept mumbling

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