Guess Who's Back Again?

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Nothing like the sound of music early in the morning, eh?

Demon scum littered the streets of Japan as the armored man walked through the streets and killed any demon he could find. If they were hiding in a building, then he would simply rip the building from it foundation with ordinance that would make any American cry. Any demon that did try to fight back would instantly get torn apart with the man's hands. A few orcs tried their luck but were quickly eviscerated.

A sudden voice alerted the man to a demon coming at him from behind as he turned around and blasted the demon to smithereens with his shotgun. This voice belongs to his AI known as VEGA.

VEGA: Well done, Slayer. It seems you have cleared out the demons in this area. I will mark the next destination on your HUD.

A small yellow icon popped up on the Slayer's visor as he walked towards it. Some people looked out from behind their curtains that covered their windows and looked at the man. Some had the memories of Doomguy walking down the street with the people cheering and celebrating him as an icon of hope. But now, the people don't dare to leave their homes. This new guy, he doesn't seem all too friendly. Just by looking at the Slayer, the people get chills down their spines.

The sound of a wail stopped the Slayer in his tracks as he turned his head and looked at a seemingly abandoned building. Turning his head back to look at the icon and then the building, he took a step toward the abandoned building followed by another until he made it to the steps of  the building. Walking up the steps, he tried to push through the door and realized it was locked. Raising his fist, he punched through the door. The sound of wailing got louder and louder as he stepped into the house. Looking around, the smell of rot and decay lingered, as did the smell of semen. The Slayer made no noise and kept moving forwards. Out of the corner of his eye, a skeletal frame could be seen, yet he payed it no mind, whatever would be in this building, should be dead.

Walking through the halls, old pictures of what seems to be a husband and wife line the halls as some have an infant child in it. The Slayer stared at one photo that seemed to stick out to him. It was that of a young woman holding the infant as the father is in the photo with them, taking the picture.

Something built up within the Slayer. It was a deep, indescribable rage and he thirsted for blood. But a loud wail that shook him out of his bloodlust had drawn his attention as he remembered his mission. Walking to a closed door, the Slayer opened it and was greeted with a demon lunging at him. He flung the demon over his shoulder and stomped on its chest. Reaching down, he grabbed the demon's jaw and pulled until he tore it off. Tossing the jaw somewhere behind him, the Slayer walked into the room and saw a body next to a crib. It was that of a woman with her hand resting just on the cradle.

Walking up to the cradle, the Slayer looked inside and saw a baby looking up at him with wide eyes. The Slayer looked down at the corpse and then back at the infant and sighed. Reaching down and gently scooped up the infant. Turning around, the Slayer began to make his way out of the house and past the body of the infant's father.

Now out of the house, the Slayer walked down the stairs as he held the infant close to his body. A curious civilian peaked out through her window and saw the Slayer holding the child. Her eyes are widened as she ran to her door, swung it open, and hopped off the step. The Slayer heard the sound of footsteps rapidly approaching him and the lady approach him in a quick manner. She stopped mere feet away as she held a look of nervousness and determination on her face.

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