Chapter 6

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Tooney: Less, holy 

Nick: Tooney, hi

Alessia: Ell's

Tooney: I'm so happy for yous

Nick: Why don't we go back inside Tooney not a word I'm gonna be the one to tell them

Tooney: Yes sir


Nick: How long

Sara: Two minutes 

Nick: Alright are drinks poured

James: Aye, your Glass of Irn Bru is on the Table

Nick: Thank you 

Paul: So were the four non-drinkers

Keith: Aye

Nick: Alright everyone 











Everyone: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!

Nick: Happy New Year Less

Alessia: Happy New Year Nick, Kisses Nick

Nick: Kisses Back, Pulls Back

Daniel: Yes dude

Nick: And there goes the moment

Alessia: Giggles, Yeah but we'll have more

Nick: Yeah, Happy New Year everyone

William: Nick, when are yous leaving 

Nick: Depends on when we're needed back in London, but I want to be around for a week

Alessia: Well I told the boss that I'd be back after the 8th so I've got the time

Nick: Huh so we said the same day without discussing it 

Alessia: Already sharing a brain

Cammi: Alright so you've brought home two Lionesses and now your kissing one of them you Lucky Bastard

Nick: I know

JJ: Makes sense he was always the lucky one

Nick: I was wasn't I

Cal: Yeah you were

Nick: Alright is it gang up on me time is it

Rian: Yeah

Nick: Alright, come here you, Chases Rian

Alessia: He's amazing

Cammi: He's Nick

William: If anyone is the perfect guy 

Daniel: It's him

Nick: I caught you, ya bum, Dan is there a game next Sunday

Daniel: Yeah I'll message the Group and say your coming will I 

Nick: May as well keep a bit of sharpness, tell them I'm bringing a couple friends as well

Daniel: Sound

The Next Sunday

Nick: Alright so Dan is meeting us at Power League along with the rest of the team you Ladies ready

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