One Shot #5

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Hana being jealous of Mun when he hangout with a girl (which is later revealed to be his cousin from Japan)

"Where is Mun?" asked Hana

"He is fetching his friend or was it his relative.."

"From where?"

"From by bus station..He did say that they have some kind of project together.."


Hana decided to go out for a walk. She was looking some music for listening. Then she saw Mun walking with a girl.

Mun..Is that..A girl..?!

Mun seemed really happy to see this girl that Hana didn't know. She started muttering something under her breath like "tsk..who is she?" "What Mun sees in her?" "Why does he look so happy?". Hana then sighed and went running.

Meanwhile Mun was talking to this girl like there was no worries. This girl was his cousin from Japan. Her name was Sung-Young and she moved Japan while she was a child.That time Mun didn't know Sung-Young was also a counter in Japan and had also some unnatural ablities.

"So how are you Sung-Young?"

"I am doing great..It's been little hectic of course..I been busy with my job..too. Sorry for not contacting for you a while."

"It's okay..I been busy too.."

Sung-Young and Mun decided to go eat in Mrs.Chu restorant.

"Aigoo..Are you..?" asked Mrs.Chu

"Sung-Young..Mun's cousin.."

"Oh!..Really..Now that I am looking at you look a lot like Mun."

Sung-Young looked smiling at Mrs.Chu then she noticed small dots on her hands. She then looked at Mun who made his way to table.

"Say..Mun..Is this a work place where you work Mun?"


Sung-Young then pulled Mun closer to her and whispered.

"By any chance..Are you a counter too Mun?"

Mun's eyes wided. How come his cousin knew about the counters?

"Wha..? What are you talking about?" asked Mun then he noticed same small dots on Sung-Young's hands.

"You are the counter too?!" shouted Mun

Sung-Young putted her hand on Mun's mouth.

"Yes I am..But please be quiet!"

"Why didn't you tell me..?!"

"Well..that's because I wanted to keep it secret..Obiviously I didn't know! I didn't wanted to put my only cousin in danger..I came counter at very young age and that's why I been busy with it.." said Sung-Young

"Fine..Fine..Tell me what your ablities are atleast.."

" of my ablities are making weapons..and lightning..

"What?! That's so cool!"

"Yeah..I think..because we are family I think we have same ablities too.."

"Really?! Can you teach me to make weapons too?!"

"We can try..But remember Mun..I came here to relax not.."

Sung-Young's sentence got cut when Hana walked in. She looked over Sung-Young and sighed loudly.

"Is she a counter too?" asked Sung-Young.

"Yeah..Hey Noona! Come here! Let's have chat."

Hana just glared at Mun and walked to their training room.

Uncanny Counter (Mun x Hana) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now