Chapter 4: Silence

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Matilda's POV

"Oh shit... Matilda" the look of shock on his face was ingrained into my mind.

"Dad?" I look at him waiting for him to answer or make an excuse or even just remember me. There was an awkward silence between us, the look across his face was as if he was seeing a ghost. "You were going to meet me at the airport?" My tone turned harsh, I knew he didn't care enough about me. Suddenly I see the crowd of people forming behind my dad... he really was having a party.

"Wait he has a kid?" One voice from the crowd whispers a little too loudly.

"Clearly his lines aren't the only thing he forgets" another chuckled, I could feel my face turning red from anger and embarrassment.

"Matilda... princess-" he goes to hug me and I step away.

"Please don't call me that" I cut him off harshly, I didn't want to hear his excuses.

"Erm... come in... everyone this is...erm my daughter... Matilda" I walked into the house and was presented to about 15 random strangers in my dads house.

"Hey..." I timidly replied. I have never felt so insecure... I crossed me arms around my body trying to make myself as small as I could. The gathering of people all greeted me back.

"She's here to stay with me for a while, whilst her mom is on her honeymoon" his voice seemed so fake and forced like he was putting on a show for these people.

"Oh that's nice" one voice belonging to a kind looking woman replied. Her voice sounded soft and gentle... I think she was British!

"Not for the person she married" he mocked to the crowds who all laughed along with him... except that one lady

"It's not funny dad!" I abruptly cut him off and turn to look at him, my blood was boiling and I could feel my eyes welling up again but I was trying to hold it together " you promised you would be there and you weren't!" He seems caught off guard and takes a step back. The room fell silent.

He hesitates before replying "Your mom must've told me the wrong landing time... deliberately of course... to make me look bad" his tone was so cocky.

"You don't need any help with that dad" I bite back at him.

"Well it's lovely to meet you Matilda... your father has told us so much about you" she smiled sweetly attempting to break the tension.

"I doubt it, unless he's looked me up on Wikipedia" I replied sarcastically glaring at my dad.

"Come on now that's not fair!" He answers back at me.

"So Matilda, are you going to help your father with the play he's in? Or even better do you want to be in it?" She smiled softly.

"No she is not! My daughter will not be acting thank you very much!" He chimes in abruptly.

"I can answer for myself!"

"No there will be no acting for you" he's very stern... why is he trying to parent me now?


"No end of story, you are not acting" I roll my eyes... the silence is once more filling the room.

"I think we all better head off... it was lovely to meet you Matilda" she holds out her hand, I smile and shake her hand and she begins to usher everyone out of the house leaving just me and dad alone.

Neither of us say a word... these next two months we're going to be painful.

"So... are you going to show me where I'm staying?" I break the silence.

"Oh right... let me help you with your bags-"

"When? Tomorrow?" I reply sarcastically as he grabs my bags and heads upstairs... my old room... it had barely changed...

"Sorry it's a big young for you now... I didn't realise how long it had been" he puts the bags down and rubs the back of his neck.

"It's... it's exactly how I remember it" I sit down gentle on the bed looking around at all the pink and sparkles I decided I loved as a kid.

"Hey... look I am really sorry I forgot Tilly" I could hear how genuine he was... but it doesn't excuse he still forgot.

"It's fine dad... I didn't expect anything different" my reply was snappy, I didn't really mean it but I was hurt, upset and so tired. "Sorry... it's just.."

"No I deserve it... I promise I'll do better Tilly"

Sigh "let's not make anymore empty promises dad" I look down at my hands avoiding him still holding in tears.

"Do you need dinner?" He asks before heading ti the door.

"No I'm okay, not really hungry" he turns looking a bit concerned before smiling and closing the door behind him. This was not how I wanted the stay to start but I guess this is how the next two months are going to be like.

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