Chapter 3: Promises

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Matilda's POV

The day had come, off I was being sent to stay with my dad... not something I thought would happen.

"Have you definitely got everything?" I could here the worry in moms voice.

"Yes mom I've triple check everything... I'll be fine" she smiles and give me a big hug.

"Okay well your dad promised to meet you at the airport when you land but any issues call me alright?" I smile and nod. I've always hated the word promise when it came to dad...

"Babe come on not only is she going to miss her flight so are we" Craig huffed impatiently, I roll my eyes and give mom a final hug before we headed out to our different terminals.

Right Matilda we're on our own now... let get checked in.

After around 2 hours of waiting it was finally time to board the plane, I could feel myself shaking I hadn't realised how badly seeing my dad affects me. What was he going to ask? Or say? I could feel my hands getting sweaty with nerves, I tried to relax myself I still had the whole flight until I saw him again.

Time skip

The plane finally comes into land, I don't think I relaxed at all that whole flight, I could feel my heart racing... was I really in L.A? I hadn't been here since I was about 7. I took a deep breath and gathered all my things before making my way through the airport, collecting my luggage on the way.

I head towards where all the families and friends were to collect their loved ones, my eyes scan round the crowds of people, watching mothers and fathers hugging their kids, families reuniting and so much joy. I keep searching hoping to see my dad... it was only once the crowds slowly disappeared I was left... alone... the only one stood standing as people walked past.... Dad?

I felt like the world had stopped... he'd really forgotten me... again... I could feel my eyes welling up and I felt my heart sink. He's not coming is he? I rush to the bathroom to regroup and calm down I could feel my blood starting to boil.


Mom: Everything okay?

Shit mom...I didn't want to worry her...

T: Yes all good, he's driving me back to his now! Have a great honeymoon

I take a deep breath. I head out of the airport and call myself a taxi. Luckily I knew where he lived so I could get myself there on my own.

I spent the whole journey holding back tears. So many empty promises and yet again he's let me down. It took about 35 mins to get to his. I pay the driver and get out the car. I stand and star at the giant house in front of me. This is it... I'm stood here hurt, angry and so nervous about seeing him again... clearly he didn't care about me to leave me stranded at 11pm in the dark in a city I barely know... he forgot me...his own daughter...

Suddenly my mind stops racing for a moment and I can hear what almost sounds like a party happening inside... is he serious?! I wipe my cheeks to hide the sadness before walking up to the front door.

Knock knock knock

The door swings open.

"Oh.... Shit... Matilda"

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