The move to L.A

402 8 1

Y/n pov
I wake up at 5:30 to my alarm going off. I thought of the events that occurred yesterday when I decided to have a shower and do my morning routine. I left whatever I needed for today on my dressing table and when I was done with it I packed it in my suitcase.
I choose my outfit after my shower and did my hair trying to not think about whatever happened with my so called best friend

I choose my outfit after my shower and did my hair trying to not think about whatever happened with my so called best friend

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Outfit+ hair

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Outfit+ hair

I make my way down the stairs and watch some tv as it's only 6:20 and eats some cereal.
About 10 minutes later I start packing my luggage in my car that I bought with my own my money ( you made it work even tho your parents weren't there for you ✨)
After that I stand by the door of the house
" Bye bye my precious house, Idk when I will see you but hopefully everything will stay the same as I left it. Ik I want to forget everything but this was my home, my childhood and the place I had my family... So don't be too sad while I'm away, I'll come visit😃"
I walked once more into every room of the house and walked back down to the kitchen to get the note my parents left on the fridge many, many years ago...( It was only 4 years but let me be dramatic )

To when you board the plane cause idk what to write ~

As you get on to the plane you realise that you're sitting between two people. That kinda annoyed you but tried to brush it off.
You watch some of the series you downloaded until you see 2 good looking guys with masks approach you. Your eyes are glued to them as if your life depended on it

??: Excuse me miss

Y/n: oh- I'm so sorry, your voice sounds familiar...
You whisper the last part

The guy goes to the window seat and you both sit and the other guys sits down as well

You ignore them as they both scroll on their phones so you do the same

The pilot then tells everyone the safety precautions and the stuff like that
As we get into the air, I put the latest nsb video on.
Regie said the quote of the day which made me laugh so much I was crying
The 2 guys on either side of me tried to ignore me but couldn't and just stared...

Y/n: oh shoot- I'm sorry for making noise and disturbing

??: Don't worry about it, it's fine

???: But can we at least know what's got you laughing like that...?

Y/n: Yk what... Why not
I chuckled
Y/n: it's NSB's latest video and regie's quote of the day made me laugh so much I wanted to cry!

??: Oh you like nsb?

Y/n: I loveee them... Eheh... Well not in a creepy way obviously. It's just that their videos comforted me when I felt like I was worth nothing and when I was feeling really depressed so they might have not known it but whatever they said really impacted my life

???: Oh that's actually so sweet... But who would you say is your favourite member...?😏

Y/n: Well I can't really choose... It's so hard to pick just one, they're all amazing in their own ways and that's what I love about them

??: Aww, someone's got a celebrity crushhh or should I say 7...

Y/n: Damn, I don't really know you but I'm not afraid to beat your ass boi

???: Dayummm bro, you just gon take that?

Y/n: Hehe... Btw... Y'all sound and act a lot like Justin and Ryan...

??: Maybe because we are Justin and Ryan?

Y/n: Prove it then 🤨

???: Hello y/n, let me properly introduce myself, my name is Ryan Nguyen and you are?

Y/n: wth is happening!
In mind: is this really happening, you have to be calm... Stay calm... Breathe
Y/n: Hello Ryan, my name is Y/N

??: Ooh pretty name, well Y/n my name is Justin

Y/n: Well, I didn't expect to be sitting between the people I can't be sane around...

Ryan: Oh yeah and you told Justin that you gon beat his ass
He said giggling

Y/n: oh shi- Justin I'm so sorry but I'm not cause like why you gotta do me like that bruh?

Justin: I'm offended, but it's chill
He said holding his chest

The rest of the plane ride was the three of you talking and them questioning you about NSB and your life but soon they invited you to hang with them at the NSB house... What are you going to do...?
Well accept it obviously coz they are your celebrity crushes after all

810 words ... I still hope whoever reads this likes it <3
Ik it's not that good but I'm trying ~
Enjoy your day/night 💕

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