Part 15

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They finish their boba and then walk to the park. (it's an imaginary park so there's going to be imaginary things in the park... Just go with it). They walk up to the water fountain and sit on grass in front of it, all of them taking their phones out their pockets to either make new tik toks or to take some selfies to update their social media

Yn pov
In mind
This is so perfect, I'm officially dating my celeb crush, I have new friends, I'm at the park at night looking up at the beautiful sky above me. This is amazing... It's actually the first time I've been to the park at night, I honestly don't know why but I should do it more often. My thoughts were cut short by Regie asking a question
"Hey guys, wanna play a game?"
Everyone responded with a yes or something along those lines
"So what should we play?" I ask looking around
"How about truth or dare?" Oli suggests
"Since we're at the park, it would be fun to do some dares around here" Kane adds
"Then truth or dare it is" Darren says basically making the final decision
"So who's gonna start?" Ryan asks
"We can ask an AI to generate a number system and we each can choose a number and go according to the list?" Seb explained
"That seems so complicated bro" Justin says
"Can I add something for when we actually start tho?"
All eyes were on me so I started to explain
"Since there's 8 of us here and we're all going to be having a turn, why don't we each give the person who's turn it is a truth or dare, depending on what they choose obviously BUT they have to do everything we each tell them to. Basically one person gets 7 dares or 7 truths and they have to do all of them if not... They will have to do or listen to whatever the person who gave them the thing to do says for 24 hours"
They all thought about what I had said for a few seconds then agreed
"Yn is so smart, that's why she's my best friend" Darren says and starts laughing
"I know but thank you and y'all will even have a new video to upload to y'all's YouTube channel if anyone doesn't do the dare or answer the question"
A few more seconds of thinking and they said that they should record the game now
Seb pulled out his camera and set it up
They did the intro and explained everything as well as the new 'rule' and how the game is going to be played
We started in alphabetical order so it was:
Yn (aka me, duh?)

Darren chose dare
He ran around the park 5 times
Came back and was acting like he was recording a thirst trap in the fountain (he took off his shirt and idk how he didn't get water all over himself but yeah he did it i guess)
He then scared a random person walking across the street and let's just say that they were quite traumatized... (He acted like a dog and started barking at the person then acted like he was a thief and soon after became a wrestler then turned into a bird and 'flew' back to us, everyone was dying of laughter)
He climbed a tree
He did an impersonation of each of us
He acted like a college professor for the rest of the round
And finally he had to act like a girl for the rest of the game
It basically went like that for everyone until someone didn't do what they were told
It was me, okay so I had to go find random things on the floor and it eat it including the nasty bird poop on the wall of the building across the park
If you were me would you do it? Well I definitely don't think so
And the person who made me do it was Justin... I think he did that on purpose to make me get food for him all the time and to make me do the things that he was supposed to do, like chores and so on
So I was officially a slave for 24 hours starting tomorrow at 10am *sigh*
But imagine if I don't have to do his chores what if he makes me do the things I actually like? Well I can only hope for the best...

Soon the video ended and they did the outro and Ryan grabbed my hand and made me swipe out with him
We both laughed and I have to admit, it was lots of fun being with them
There was some interrogation when we got home tho
Stuff like them asking 'what is Justin gonna make you do' 'I wonder what they'll be doing tomorrow' stuff like that, you get the idea

835 words
Justin and y/n go on a date in the next chapter...
Have a lovely day/night/afternoon/morning?

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