Toxic | Nick

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summary: nick is in a toxic relationship, so matt and chris try to get him out of it

requested by: FreakyFanStories

tw:  crying, punching (lmk if you find anymore)

     "I love you," I hear Gabe whisper against my forehead. I smile softly, shifting impossibly closer to him. I love it when he's like this. It's not often that Gabe is affectionate towards me. It feels even better after a fight, or one of those days where he completely ignores me. It makes me sad, him ignoring me, but moments like these make up for it! Sure, most of the time he's yelling at me, ignoring me, or making fun of me, but that's okay because I love him! Sometimes he's just in a bad mood. I don't blame him for being grumpy. Everyone gets grumpy sometimes, so it's okay. 

     "I love you too," I smile into his chest, nuzzling deeper into him. 

     "I have a favor to ask you," he mumbled in that voice of his, the one that makes it impossible to say no. My heart drops. I forgot to mention that. Sometimes he's only all loving and stuff because he needs something. But that's okay because at least he's affectionate. So what if it's just because he needs something, it still feels nice. And also, I love him so I will do anything for him.

     "Gracie is coming tonight, so can you go home for the night? I know we said you were staying the night, but then Gracie texted. Please, for me?" My heart drops even further. Sometimes he has girls over and does god knows what in our bed. But that's okay, I understand needing more than me. He's bi, so I understand needing shit with girls too. And it's okay because I love him and that's enough.

     "Of course," I pull away from him slightly so I can give a smile. "I hope you have fun with her."

     "Thanks, Nick. This is why I love you, you're so understanding." My heart swells at his praise, and it reminds me why I put up with this. Sure, it hurts that just me isn't enough for him, but it's okay because he's happy with me! So it doesn't matter, really. It's all okay.

     He kisses my lips and my forehead and then removes his arms from their place around my waist, so I take that as my queue to leave. I untangle our legs and push myself from his bed. I try to wave goodbye and smile, but he doesn't look up from his phone. I sigh and shut his door softly behind me and sit on the curb of his driveway and text Matt.

bird boy 😝

can u pick me up from gabes

lover boy 😍🤭

I thought you were staying the night??

bird boy 😝

ohh, yeah he had a family emergency

lover boy 😍🤭

Oh alr omw

I sigh and pocket my phone, pulling my knees to my chest and resting my chin on them. I stare at the beat-up road of Gabe's street, running my fingers along his driveway. I hear a car pull up and look up, thinking it's Matt, but I see Gracie's white Tesla. She doesn't even spare me a glance as she walks towards the door. Gracie knows about me, knows that Gabe has a boyfriend, but she doesn't mind. Neither do I, though. No, I don't mind one bit. Not even a single, tiny bit. I don't care.

     When Matt finally pulls up, I sit in the passenger seat since Chris didn't come, buckling quickly.

     "So what's up with his family?" Matt asks, reversing the car out of the driveway.

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