<1> Childhood

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[By the way i'll be using <> to symbolise that it's a childhood flashback]

Young Tsukasa POV:

(Tsukasa, Saki)

"Don't worry onii-chan! We can play that game you wanted to play!"

"But mommy said that you can't play the game...because it includes running.."

"Don't worry Onii-chan! Mom won't find out!"

"But but Saki that's bad for your health!"

"Onii-chan! Don't be such a party pooper"


"I'm going to ask mommy if I can go to Ichikas! She'll accept it, and we'll be  having a FUN TIME and you're NOT!"

Saki yelled at me...i can't believe we fought...awh..maybe Saki was right..mommy wouldn't find out and we could finally play togheter

"Wait Saki!"


"We can play the game!"


This can't end up badly
(Tsukasa, Tsukasa's mother)

"How could you be such a selfish child Tsukasa! Look at her now she needs to be hospitalised! Tsukasa, I know you want to play with your sister but you cannot play games where it involves RUNNING!"

"Bu..but Saki, she wanted..to play and I tried to change her mind, but.."

"No buts! Tsukasa, now be a good boy and stay here until me and your father arrive back, no opening doors to strangers!"

"Yes, mom"

And with that momma left, leaving me alone until they arrive...awh i knew that was a bad idea, now it's just my fault! Again.

Again and again it's my fault, Saki is just forcing me and then it has consequences that I'm a fault of...

Now all alon-, what was that sound? Why did I hear a ? Eh? Again, I should check the sound is coming from upstairs.

I took my sword and went upstairs, the sound was coming from my 'room' I opened the door and saw.... a boy with purple hair and cyan stripes he was near my window there was a tree near the window sooo it wasn't like he was a wizard or something

(Tsukasa, ???)

"Who are you?"


The boy looked at me with a cat like smirk

"Just joking, we're the only ones here right?"

"Yes we are..."

"My name is Rui Kamishiro, you can call me Rui if you want!"

He chuckled, his pronunciation of 'R' sounded like 'L'

(btw this isn't saying Tsukasa😭 he isn't that smart to say 'pronunciation' act like the writer is saying it)

"What name is yours?"

"My name is Tsukasa Tenma...call me Tsukasa if you want.."

"But..how did you..get here?"

"My parents left the house, so I decided to do a little adventure! I'm living faaaar away from here"

"Wow! That's cool!"

"But..why did you went here? My mommy said its bad when people are coming to other people's houses.."

"I wanted to have a little break! I was running like crazy! People were asking if I'm lost so I just ran away from them!"

"I never thought i'll meet you! But..where are your parents?"

"They're with my little sister, beacuse my sister is VEERY sick. Maybe that's what my momma said.."

"Oh! That's cool to have siblings! Could we play together!?"

"Just..if you wan-"

"Of course! Come! It will be fun to play with someone!"


The boy went inside, and we started playing not paying attention to the time, I loved playing with him! We were having a good playtime! Until

(Tsukasa, Rui, Tsukasas mom)

"Tsukasa! We're back!"

"rui..psst you need to get out!"

"By the window again?"

" yes, yes!"

We made action, Rui quetly went on that tree again and we waved goodbye and he went back home and i ran up to my mom

(Tsukasa, T.Mom)

"Kasa,it took you long enough!"

"Sorry momma! I...was just playing by myself..and I forgot to come to you.."

"Where's daddy?"

"He had to stay with Saki, because you decided to not listen to our rules and now Saki is in the hospital! Again."

"Now you're grounded Kasa. Now go to your room, I couldn't ground you the first time we talked but now I can so go to your room and don't come down until you learned your lesson! And tomorrow you'll be home alone. Me and your father will check on Saki and we'll be there the whole day"

"Okay momma"

I sadly went to my 'room' and layed on my little bed, I should rather say mattress but I'm grateful for that...even though Saki has a bed! Awh, tomorrow I won't show mommy how big of a star I am!

Mommy is so busy with Saki and daddy is busy with Saki too! No one's here to play with me! But, just maybe Rui will come!

The End Of A Star |Tsukasa angst|Where stories live. Discover now