chapter 3 🌠 the ore hunt

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After seeing Crowley behind her y/n knew what was about to happen and she was right
"what did you do to the chandelier!"
The boys and grim panicked now knowing that they were officially doomed "headmaster it's my fault for not getting here sooner i could've stopped this from happening!" exclaimed the young girl trying to take the blame and save the boys from their doom
"no miss kinomoto i don't believe you could do such things with how generous and kindhearted you are." Said Crowley actually being straight to the point now, he then looked at the boys and told them the news everyone was expecting
"this really was the last straw especially after you and that weasle burned the statue this morning mister trapola. Both you and spades here are expelled" deuce looked like he was going to have a panic attack
"no please isn't there anything we can do to fix it?!" Y/n really took pity on them this time she was about to talk until Crowley spoke before she even could open her mouth
"actually there might be a way" deuce suddenly looked overjoyed
"then what is it?! I'll do anything!" He was really desperate to not getting expelled he held onto hope waiting for Crowley to speak "well actually there might be a way..." Deuce had a small smile as his prayers were now answered
"you could get to the dwarfs mine and get a magestone so we could fix the chandelier" y/n holding onti her sense of responsibility wanted to do the best she could to help them
"headmage I'll go with them to the mine after all it's partially my fault this happened, i promise I'll be back before the end of the day so we can go to savanahclaw to talk to housewarden leona" Crowley gave up on arguing with the kind hearted lady, clearly she was determined to help her friends no matter what
"alright then miss kinomoto I'm counting on you to keep them in line" ace,deuce and grim looked really offended by what the crow man had said but at this point they didn't care and just followed y/n to the mirror chamber so they could get it over with.

"Now i hope you guys understand that I'm not doing this for myself to gain your trust, you guys don't deserve to be expelled for having to catch a trouble maker escaping his duties" y/n said that looking at grim and then looking at ace slightly suspecting he said something to the black cat to cause all that trouble.
"Uh miss kinomoto I'm really thankful for your help, i could never imagine being expelled on the first day" deuce looked at y/n like she was his lord and Savior.
"Loosey deucey has a crush huh?~" ace wanted to tease deuce and it was visible to everyone in the room that his motives were clearly just for entertainment. Y/n just looked confused not hearing the last part of what ace said since he pretty much whispered it to deuce, she was too far from him to hear it and she didn't want to know what he said anyways
"guys let's just go i made a promise to the headmage to get back here before the end of the day because i need to get to savanahclaw." Deuce was confused by why she needed to get to savanahclaw because last time he checked she was in heartslaybull this morning
"uh miss kinomoto why do you need to-" deuce was cut off by y/n who had enough and just wanted to get it over with already "I'll explain later now just go in the mirror and shush" ace started laughing a bit clearly knowing what he was doing
"she told you to shush pfft-" deuce just went in the mirror not wanting to give ace the attention he wanted
"hey! Wait for me guys!" Ace just ran in the mirror catching up with them only to bump into y/n, both of them fell
"omg y/n I'm so sorry-" ace looked and he was on top of y/n and he noticed that his hands were on her chest. He quickly got up while his face was scarlet red, deuce taking the opportunity decided to use the mocking tone ace had earlier to also tease him
"ohh~ acey lazy has a crush~" ace who just got mocked like he mocked deuce earlier was still red
"oh shut it deuce you would've felt the same!" Deuce feeling guilty as charged just turned away. Y/n who just walked away after ace got away from her was also red and embarrassed
"guys just hurry up and let's go inside the mine so we can get this over with!" She decided to not look at them, just until she wasn't red anymore at least.
"Oh sorry miss kinomoto!" Deuce still used her last name to be polite as possible
"deuce you know you can call her by her name right?" Said grim who was completely ignored for a while now
"i honestly forgot you were there weasle" ace admitted not feeling ashamed at all. "You humans really are rude as hell!" The cat said feeling obviously offended
"i can see the mine just keep walking and stop talking " y/n had a surprisingly serious tone of voice compared to her gentle and nice voice that the boys were used to hear "yes ma'am!" They both didn't want to know what she's like when she's mad so they just followed her and stopped talking completely.

After they reached the mine and they went inside

"Grim i found a torch could you light it up please?" She was back to her gentle tone of voice so the boys felt they were safe from her wrath for now
"oh uh yeah sure" grim lit up the torche with his blue fire. As soon as the torch was lit she started walking deeper in the mine, then she stopped walking as she saw something shimmer inside a rock wall . The boys just not looking in front all bumped into her
"sorry y/n /miss kinomoto!" Deuce and ace were still wary of her because of how she was earlier so they stay at their best behavior just to not die today. Before y/n could even approach the stone a creepy dark pitched voice was heard
"never... Give" y/n who already despised the dark was now even more creeped out, she hugged the first person that she could reach which was deuce.
"Miss kinomoto what was that voice?! Are you alright?" Y/n was shaking a bit but cleared her throat speaking up but still staying in deuce's embrace
"uh yeah sorry i just don't like the dark already so this is just a bit more terrifying and no i don't know what that voice was" the second she stopped talking a shadow loomed over them and the voice spoke again "never...give...stone!" A mysterious monster loomed over them. Y/n who now was even more terrified hung unto deuce for dear life, deuce who actually was now also as terrified as the small lady.
"Alright everyone run!" Ace who looked as terrified but also jealous of deuce yelled started running. Deuce picked y/n up carrying her to the exit the quickest way possible.

When they reached the exit or just ran the furthest away from the monster they were practically begging to breathe from how much they ran
"alright deuce left go of y/n now were safe" ace was clearly jealous but tried his best to not show it
"oh uh yes sorry miss kinomoto i just wanted to make sure you were out of there safely and quickly " y/n was actually still in shock over all that happened over the last few minutes
"uhm hello earth to the human" grim was growing impatient. The little girl went back to her senses noticing that she was being held by deuce
"oh uh yeah sorry guys my bad, deuce if you want you can just call me by my name or give me a nickname y'know?" Ace decided to take the opportunity and call her the sweetest nickname possible he could think of to gain her favor
"hey y/n can i call you sweetheart?"

I'm ending the chapter on that, cliché am i right? But anyways i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter once again. If anyone has suggestions for chapters you can comment them and I'll look at them. Now cya next time!

Total words: 1445 words

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