Part 1

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Their tour was finally over. As much as Namjoon loved being there and performing for the fans he was tired. That's an understatement he was exhausted. But he was almost home and then he will finally be able to rest. They were taking the flight back to Korea and Namjoon was planning on sleeping through the flight and then sleeping some more when he gets back. Since the last couple of days the exhaustion Namjoon has felt has increased tenfold. His whole body is aching and there is a weird pit like feeling in his stomach. Not to mention he feels a lot colder than before.

Namjoon specifically chooses the seat that is furthest away from where the members are sitting so he can sleep away his exaushtion. As everyone gets settled into their seats Jungkook comes over to Namjoon and says "Hyung, Jin hyung's asking you to make sure to eat something on the flight since you didn't eat anything in the hotel."

"Ya, I'll eat something later tell Jin hyung not to worry about me. Right now I'm gonna try and catch up on some sleep. I'll eat after I'll wake up." Namjoon replies.

"Ok, hyung sleep tight." Jungkook replies and goes to relay the message back to Jin.

Namjoon starts to get comfortable with a sigh. He didn't eat anything because honestly he didn't feel hungry at all. In fact, he hadn't eaten anything in almost 18 hours, but he just hadn't felt hungry. He knows he should eat something and he will right after he wakes up, cause right now there is nothing he'll rather do than sleep.


Namjoon wakes up a couple of hours later. When he woke up his entire body ached, he was shivering and his stomach was grumbling. He tried sitting up properly as he woke up more, but that just brought a wave of nausea that made him sick to his stomach. Sleeping was supposed to help him feel better not worse, but apparently his body did not get that memo.

He sat still for a few seconds to calm his body down, but it didn't work. His dizziness and nausea persisted if not increased. That's when he finally realized that he's sick. He's sick and stuck on an airplane for who knows how many hours. His head is killing him and he feels like he's about to faint.

'What am I gonna do? Why do I always get sick at the worst time ever?' Namjoon thinks to himself.

He can't remember ever being this sick and he knows if he doesn't do anything about this quick he's either gonna puke or pass out or maybe even both. So he decides, that as much as he hates doing this he has to tell his members. There is no way he'll survive this flight without there help. So he slowly gets out of his seat and starts walking towards his members seats where they are all talking about something. But suddenly his head starts turning and his vision gets dark. He barely feels falling on the floor and the last thing he hears is his members calling out his name before he falls unconscious.

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