Part 2

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"Namjoon!" cried out the members as they rushed towards.

"He's burning up." Jimin says

"Let's move him up to a seat." Yoongi adds.

Jungkook, Hoseok and Taehyung start moving Namjoon up so he is not on the floor of the plane anymore.

"Here, I brought a thermometer and some water for when he wakes up." Jin says as he puts the thermometer to Namjoon's forehead to check his temperature.

"39.5 C(103.1 F)" Jin says reading his temperature.

"It's way too high. We need to lower his temperature." Yoongi says

"You're right this is dangerous. Kook get some water and towels from the flight attendant. Jimin get some fever reducers and Tae find some crackers for when he wakes up." Hoseok says instructing everyone.

"I'm gonna go tell the manager whats going on." Jin says while going to the other side of the private jet where the management was sitting.

Soon everyone gets back.

Yoongi puts the wet towel on Namjoon's forehead.

"I talked to the manager and he said he is going to have a doctor waiting for us as soon as we land so he can check over Namjoon." Jin says

"Ok, that's good. At least if he needs a doctor we won't have to worry about it." Jungkook says.

"Yes, but let's try to lower his temperature we still have a long time on this plane and I want to make sure he's at least a bit better before we land." Yoongi says.

They all sit around waiting for him to wake up and trying to busy themselves with something but they are too worried to do anything. All the members are worried sick about their leader and just wants him to wake up.

After some time, Namjoon finally starts moving around a bit.

"Namjoon" Yoongi calls out.

"Hyung, what?" Namjoon replies while opening his eyes still confused with his surroundings.

"Hey Joonie. How are u feeling?" Jin adds on going near Namjoon and caressing his hair.

"I feel sick hyungie." Namjoon replies with a slight whine in his voice.

"I know Joonie, here drink a little water, you'll feel better." Jin continues.

"Noo" Namjoon says he was already starting to feel naseous and he was not going to do anything to make it worse.

"Come on Joonie, just a little bit. It'll make you feel better. We don't want you getting dehydrated." Jimin adds on.

"But" Namjoon says

"No buts Joonie, you need to drink it." Yoongi adds on.

Namjoon relents but finally decides he should probably drink some. But as soon as he touched as he took a sip of water his body resisted and he started gagging. Taehyung gave him an airsick bag but he did not have anything in him to get out. After the water had forced itself out he was just dry heaving. By the end of it tears had started to come out of Namjoon's eyes.

"Hyung, it hurts." Namjoon cries out trying to get closer to his members so they could hold him.

"I know Joonie, it's ok. You're going to be ok." Hoseok says while going closer to Namjoon and holding him.

"If he can't even hold water how are we supposed to feed him so he can eat his medicine." Jungkook asks immensely worried for his RapMon hyung.

"Let's just wait a while and give his stomach some time to settle, after we can try to give him something." Taehyung says. Everyone silently agrees as Yoongi starts putting the wet towels on Namjoon again while Namjoon slowly falls asleep in Hoseok's arms.

"He's really sick, isn't he." Taehyung says.

"Hmm, my poor hyungie." Jimin says while caressing his hair.

Jin checks his temperature again.

"38.9 C(102.02F)" Jin says

"Good it's going down." Yoongi says.

"But, it's still way too high he needs the medicine to lower it." Hoseok adds on.

"Yes, but he also needs his rest." Yoongi replies.

"Exactly, we'll try to give him some medicine after he wakes up. As of right now let's just let him rest and continue using the wet towels.

Everyone nods a little and just sit around, not really knowing what to do anymore. After a while Namjoon wakes up again.

"Hey Joonie, you feeling a bit better." Hoseok says as Namjoon wakes up.

"Hmm, a little bit." he replies.

"That's good you want to try eating something so we can give you fever reducers." Jimin asks crouching in front of Namjoon.

Namjoon shakes his head not wanting to throw up again.

"Come on hyungie, just a little bit just some crackers so that you can take the medicine." Jungkook says while giving him his puppy dog eyes.

Namjoon finally accepts and eats the crackers Jungkook hands him. They make him feel a bit nauseous but not enough to make him throw up. He eats some before his nausea becomes too much.

"No more" Namjoon says

"Just a couple more then I'll give you the medicine." Jin says

"No" Namjoon says while shaking his head he knew he couldn't eat anymore.

"Ok, that's fine. You think you're ready to take the medicine now." Jin asks understanding Namjoon's situation.

Namjoon gives a little nod just to please them so they can stop trying to feed him things.

"Here hyung" Taehyung says giving Namjoon the medicine and some water.

Namjoon slowly eats the medicine and tries to keep his nausea at bay so that the medicine can start working. After a couple of minutes his stomach finally stops churning and he takes a deep breath.

"You good?" Hoseok asks

"Ya" Namjoon replies.

"All right why don't we watch a movie so that you can relax." Jimin asks knowing that Namjoon needs a distraction from his sickness.

Namjoon nods and gets comfortable while Hoseok goes back to cuddling with him.

"Hey, no fair. It's my turn to snuggle with hyung." Jungkook says.

"Too bad too sad" Hoseok replies in a playful tone.

Namjoon gives a slight smile and calms down and starts to focus on the movie while listening to his members playing around.

He might be sick and he might feel horrible but he's glad he has his family around to take care of him. 

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