Chapter 2.

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Buck: So

Buck: According to Eugene & Katrina, while I was sick last week, I must have come downstairs one evening to get water.

Jules: Go on

Buck: But after I found the glass (apparently I just stood and stared at the cupboards for a minute) I got a bad coughing fit & dropped it.

Buck: And it must have taken a minute to sink in, because Eugene & Katrina said that I just stood there for like, 30 seconds before looking down and saying "Oh no" real small and quiet

Cooper: Bro...

Cooper: How sick were you?

Bridget: Sick enough that Eugene & Katrina had to tell him because he didn't remember.

Jules: LOL


Bridget: I swear, if I didn't need a job, I'd quit

Jules: Bad day?

Bridget: One person cussed me out for putting bacon on their bacon cheeseburger, one ordered 'pickles but without that weird vinegar flavor (?), and one gave me a tip – "You should buy a better shirt. You look horrible in that color."

Jules: 😠😤

Jules: I can't help with the other two, but I think you look great in yellow and orange.

Buck: If it helps, I once had someone order a meat lovers pizza, but they didn't want the 'strange meats like sausage.' Or ham. Or pepperoni. Or cheese, because they're tryin veganism. Onions. Crust, sauce, onions. That's what they wanted.

Jules: 🤮

Cooper: 🤮

Bridget: Isn't food service fun?


Jules: I swear, sometimes I just don't think Connie was ever a teenager

Buck: Oh boy

Jules: I asked her if I could go see a concert in Connellsville this weekend & she asked what time it would be over, so I told her: Midnight

Cooper: Okay....

Jules: So I told her I'd get a hotel so I wouldn't have to drive or ride a bus so late and she GOT MAD!!!!!!

Jules: She went on and on about how it's not safe, & one day I'd thank her, blah blah blah

Buck: I mean she's probably right

Jules: You're taking HER side?! Really?!

Bridget: I think we all are


Cooper: Are you guys gonna do ACTs or SATs?

Jules: Both probably

Bridget: Same

Buck: idk

Cooper: I'm doing both too.

Cooper: Buck I'm surprised Eugene's not on you about that

Buck: I mean Eugene & Katrina kinda are

Buck: I'm just ignoring it the best I can

Cooper: LOL


Jules: Can someone just... explain French to me?

Bridget: It's Spanish but you speak it in cursive

Cooper: You have 11 letters. You pronounce 4 of them.

Buck: Learn to speak Spanish. Now learn to speak Italian. Now subtract the Spanish from the Italian. You are left with French.

Cooper: Cover the second half of the word, squint, and pronounce only the vowels you think you see

Buck: Latin, but make it fashion

Bridget: Gargling but with air.


Cooper: When Katrina subbed for my English teacher one time, she taught us about English triple contractions.

Jules: ? What are those?

Cooper: Stuff like 'you'dn't've, I'dn't've, it'dn't've.

Bridget: What the fresh heck?

Buck: Y'all'd've known this if you lived in the South

Jules: ?

Buck: You all would have.


Buck: I'm 16 yrs. old & I still have no idea how girls make hats out of towels when their hair is wet.

Jules: Omg.

Bridget: One time Wyatt tried to yank away my "towel hat" and was promptly horrified when I yelled in pain.

Bridget: "I didn't know your HAIR was IN there!" he yelled. Boys 🙄


Jules: Oh dear

Cooper: Even I knew that



A/N: Sorry for being gone so long! Life got busy, and working on two stories at once is not easy (especially when you're also writing like 12 more lol). Also, the texts about French and the Towel Hats are inspired by posts I saw on Instagram lol. Hope y'all enjoy this story while I work on Chapter 7 of What Happens in the Grocery Store... !

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