Chapter 3.

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Buck: Kinda funny when teachers say 'I can tell if you read the book' or 'I can tell when people fake their paper'

Buck: No you can't. You can tell when people are BAD at faking their paper. I didn't even read the sparknotes and I barely skimmed the Wikipedia but you gave me an A-. You kneel before my throne unaware that it was born of lies


Bridget: It would be Buck that sends that

Cooper: Doesn't work on Katrina though, does it?

Buck: I've never even tried it

Cooper: lol


Jules: I'm tired

Bridget: Of?

Jules: ?

Jules: Nothing I just went to bed too late

Bridget: Oh

Cooper: Why would you think that she's tired of something?

Bridget: I mean I usually am so

Buck: Redbull and coffee doesn't taste that bad together

Jules, Cooper, Bridget: BUCK NO


Cooper: I've been trying to convince Buck to join the basketball team.

Buck: And I've been declining

Jules: Lol. Why?

Buck: I'm not good at it

Cooper: Season hasn't started yet. You'll get better

Buck: No thanks

Bridget: He jumps through enough hoops for people at work

Buck: This

Cooper: You win... for now


Bridget: Wyatt keeps hanging out with Jay Smouse and I hate it

Jules: Ew why?

Bridget: He seeks validation from him or something. idk

Buck: Jay's, not that bad honestly


Cooper: Are we talking about the same Jay here?

Buck: Small, self-absorbed, idolizes Elvis?

Bridget: Yeah, that's him


Jules: Connie & Eugene are bickering and I'm low-key here for it

Buck: what r they fighting about now

Jules: I'm not entirely sure but Eugene just said, "Remember what happened with Daren?" and Connie shrieked "That was ONE TIME!!!"

Cooper: Who's Daren?

Jules, Buck: Idk

Bridget: Does he live in Odyssey?

Jules, Buck: idk

Cooper: Daren's the new Cotton-Eyed Joe lol

Bridget: Cotton-Eyed Daren lol

Jules: Now Jason's here

Jules: Who's Tasha? Connie just threw something at him about Tasha

Buck: Knowing him, another agent

Jules, Cooper, Bridget: lol


Jules: Does anyone else have songs they don't play around their parents/guardians?

Bridget: Yup

Buck: Yeah

Cooper: ...No? What are you guys doing?

Jules: Listening to good music

Cooper: Apparently not

Buck: In fairness mine is cuz Mr. Skint whacked me if I listened to something 'inappropriate'

Bridget: ...Are you good?

Buck: I'm fine I just got better at switching and hiding music

Cooper: I don't think Eugene and Katrina will WHACK YOU if you show them what you listen to.

Buck: You show your parents P!ATD I'll show mine

Bridget: You've been challenged Calhoun

Jules: LOL

*************************************************************************Cooper: Anyone else up?

Buck: Yeah

Jules: I am

Bridget: Me too

Cooper: Why are all of you all up? I'm only up because my dad got called to the hospital a little after 2 (A/N: 2am.)

Bridget: We got to talk to Dad for a little while and now I can't sleep

Buck: I'm studying

Jules: I'm watching the new Angelina D'Lenore movie

Buck: The one Connie wouldn't let you go see in theaters?

Jules: Uh huh

Buck: Oy


Bridget: Have you guys ever met a red-haired girl?

Buck: I mean that's kinda a broad question but yeah, several

Jules: My sister comes to mind

Cooper: Lol. What brought this up?

Bridget: I was referring to a specific one. At school. Curly red hair. Wears green

Buck: Do you mean Valerie?

Bridget: I think that's her name. She asked if I wanted to hang out.

Buck, Jules, Cooper: DON'T!!!!!!!

Bridget: Why? She has a little brother too and said she wants to commiserate.

Buck, Jules, Cooper: DON'T!!!!!!!!!

A/N: Sorry for being gone for so long! Life got in the way lol. Um, I got the idea for Buck liking P!ATD from his actor because Robby Bruce did a cover of one of their songs. First one was inspired by an Instagram post. Also, lemme know if you want some fics about Buck and Jules learning some stuff about Eugene, Katrina, and Connie's pasts. New chapter in What Happens in the Grocery Store soon!!!

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