ꨄ︎In Two Parts Of The Worldఌ︎

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A tall handsome male walks through the crowded streets of New York city

He continues to walk but then stops hearing his name being called

"Sunghoon!" The person calls out

He turns around to looks for the caller through the crowd, but sees no one he recognized, he turns back and starts walking again
Until he hears the same voice calling again but this time louder

"Sunghoon, wake the fuck up"

Sunghoon opens his eyes with the speed of light

"What?" He looks around to see no one but his best friend Jake standing in front of the bed with an angry expression on his (fine af) face

"I've been trying to wake you up for five minutes straight now!" Jake sighs
"Usually you're a light sleeper" and continues then sits down on the bed

Sunghoon wipes his face with both his hands, then gets up hissing as his bare feet touched the cold floor

"And morning to you too Jake!" He scratches his head then goes to the bathroom

"Hurry up we have less than an hour"


"Here it is hyung, does it look good on me?" Niki walks out of the fitting room with a big smile on his face

Jay smiles nods his head then smiles at the younger

"Let's get it,hurry up we have to go tho"
Niki nods his head then goes back into the fitting, and then comes back a minute later


"Want some?" Sunghoon shakes his head again so Jake continues to eat

"I'm not hungry Jake"

That was the third time Jake had offered him something to eat but he refused

"You should eat something you know,or you might get sick" Sunghoon sighs at the olders word

He was zoned out until he finally turns him head to the older sitting in across him

"I keep seeing a boy in my dreams"

Jake stops eating and turns to face the younger

"Go on"

"There's nothing much to say...I just see him in all my dreams...everytime I sleep I dream of him"

"Well, what are the dreams about? Anything happens? Tell me Hoon" by the tone of his voice you could tell Jake was eager to know

"I don't know Jake..." Sunghoon let's out a heavy sigh

"Well...stop thinking too much and eat"

"I'm ok, we have to go now before we get late"

"Oh yeah classes start soon"

Sunghoon smiles slightly as he looked at his best friend


"I'm so tired hyung" Niki groans

He was truly tired, being a model is hard work, and he was on the verge of crying.

The boy hadn't gotten enough sleep the night before

"I have a date with Jungwon so I'll drop you off then get going"

"Sure, then I'll be left alone again" Niki takes out his phone, God's knows what he was doing there

"You have Sunoo do something together, or sleep you said you're tired" Niki rolls his eyes then sighs

"Its ok"

"Did you guys fight again?"

Sunoo was Niki's roommate he was also a model,they had a new argument every week, Jay being the father figure in Niki's life always made peace between the two

"Nope... well yeah he was being his sassy self again"

"What did he do?"

"I simply asked him a question,and he gave me a sassy reply so I got mad and that's how the argument started "

"I can't go in today so please talk to him. Bye now" Niki opens the car door and gets out

"Tell Jungwon hyung I said Hi. Bye hyung" Jay waves to the younger then drives off


"Just go up to him and say hi, or just give him a wave and smile" Sunghoon was giving advise to Jake(idk ok 😭) who was finding ways to talk to him crush Heeseung(Heesung for me)

"I don't know" Sunghoon rolls his eyes at the older

"You're so weird" He laughed

"Hey Jake!" Heeseung smiles as he walks past the two boys

"Did he just?" Jake started shaking Sunghoon in disbelief

"Yes he did, now please stop shaking me"

Jake smiles nervously as he stopped shaking the younger

"Are we going now or not?"

"Oh yeah let's go"


"I'm home!" Sunoo calls out as he walks into him and Niki's shared apartment

"Hi!" Niki walks past the older into the kitchen

"What?" Sunoo yells as he was getting uncomfortable since Niki was staring too much

"Nothing just Jay hyung said to talk to you"

"And why is that?" Sunoo pursed his lips

"Cause I got angry yesterday and-"

"Shut up, you already said Hi when I came back so that's enough. Also I got you some chocolate when I went to the store" Niki smiled by the thought of of Chocolate

"Thank you sunoo hyung" he hugs Sunoo who just rolls his eyes but then smiles

The two stayed in the living room chatting and eating chocolate


"Jake for the 100th time stop smiling like a fool" Sunghoon hits the olderbwho wouldn't stop smiling like a fool after his crush waved to him

"I'm a fool for him Hoon!"

So that's it for chapter one
My fingers hurt
Did I make any mistakes?
I hope I did well
I did not plan this chapter so I just wrote whatever came to mind
Plus I don't know much about En- members and I'm still getting to know them

❥︎𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝙾𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 ~ HoonkiWhere stories live. Discover now