(FLUFF) Henry x Nb Y/n

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I'm trying my hardest to finish here broni have like 4 more chapters that aren't finished IM GOING AS FAST AS I CAN HHHHTJRNTNR

yay fluff time

{Your pov}

I unlock the door to my tiny apartment and sigh, I walk over and plop over onto my small, comfortable enough couch. Today was stressful, I worked overtime, and some annoying lady wouldn't shut up. I swear, if I could have slapped her, I would have busted her jaw. I let out another long sigh and maneuver myself onto my back, struggling to reach over and grab the remote.

Just as soon as I was about to turn on the TV, my ears perked. I turned my head around, and I was met with a stressed-out Henry barrows.

"Henry? What's wrong?" I cocked an eyebrow. He just shook his head and leaned onto the arm of the couch. Woah that's kinda hot.

"I'm stressed- there's so much going on..my mom, she- she won't leave me alone about everything and i.." He panted between words, obviously upset. My eyes met with a peculiar crimson stain upon his coat, but I didn't think to much of it..maybe he accidentally cut himself? Poor baby..

I stood and walked over to him. I noticed that he stood up a bit straighter and tilted his head as I did so. I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him into a tight embrace. "It's alright, I understand that you're pretty exhausted..and so am I. But it's okay. Im here to comfort you. That's what partners are for, right?" I smile up at him, and soon enough, he smiles back. He wraps his arms around me, startling me a bit, but I eventually relax back into the hug.

{3rd person pov}

You two eventually let go of each other, and you think of the perfect relaxation idea. "Do you wanna watch a scary movie?" You smile, and he nods repeatedly. You giggle and lead him over to the couch. You sit down and pat a seat beside you for him to sit down, and he does. "What movie? Hopefully it's nothing too scary for you." He chuckles, and you scoff. "I'm not a baby, I can handle blood!" He laughs again, this time a bit louder, "Uh-huh.". You decide on a classic, PYSCHO by Albert Hitchcock (please watch it's so good). Apparently, neither of you have seen it, so it's perfect. You turn on the movie, though Henry suddenly stands up and heads upstairs.

You turn around and raise an eyebrow. "Henry? Where are you going?" No response. He eventually comes back with some blankets, smiling. "Do you..wanna cuddle?" He asks, his tone a bit low. You giggled. "Is that even a question? Get over here!" You beckon him over with your hand, and he does so.

Sitting back down, he drapes the blankets on top of you both, making sure that you're comfortable and warm since it's pretty cold out. You scoot closer to him, leaning your head onto his shoulder. He eventually slowly wraps his arm around you, holding you close. Your eyes flutter, but still focus on the movie. euphoria swirls inside of you and you can't contain your happiness for this moment, and Henry feels the exact same way, holding you close in his arms was the best feeling he could have, and neither of you wanted it to end.

Eventually, The Shower scene came on and when the antagonist pulled back the curtains and started stabbing, you jumped and nuzzled your head into henrys chest. He chuckled, holding you even closer to him. You could feel and hear his heartbeat softly pump inside his chest, and it was comforting. You stayed in that position, focusing back onto the movie.

Although the question still remained inside your mind; 'what was that red stain on his coat?' You never ended up asking, for it was irrelevant anyways, the awnser wasn't mandatory,  you could live without the truth for now, it wasn't anything major, after all.

{Henrys POV}

When the movie finally ended, I glanced back over to Y/n, and they'd gone fast asleep. I chuckle, apparently the movie was boring for them, but for me it was fun. Maybe a bit cliché but overall good. I position Y/n so that they'd be laying down, but their head landed onto my lap. I tilt my head, but they looked so comfortable, so gorgeous.. I didn't want to ruin it, so I allowed them to rest their head on my lap.

I ran my fingers through their h/c hair, (though, if you don't have any hair, just imagine him softly petting your head) it was so soft, each intricate strand. a smile curled onto my lips as I continued to admire their beauty from above, eventually shutting my eyes and falling asleep myself, y/n on my lap, my hand placed carefully on their head and mine laying on the side of the couch, fast asleep. Before I drifted off to slumber, though, I heard them begin to softly snore, and I chuckled a bit, I'd never heard them snore before, so it was a pleasant suprise. now I know that I can tease them for it when they wake up.

I rlly like this it's super cute eeeeeeee lmk any criticisms and/or tips if you have any, they'd be appreciated.  I'm working in a smut chapter rn but it might take a bit longer then excpected to publish bsbdbsbdns anywho 🥰

933 words (srry 4 short chapter)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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