this is me

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"Hello, yea you"!
" let me introduce myself to you".
"My name is Lauren, I love to sing, I'm a school teacher and I looove animals".
" so let me tell you something about my fam"

"I'm a lonly child and I always get much attention from my parents and grandparents". " My mums name is Karen". " My dad died 2 years ago, he had cancer". " My grandma's name is Lisbeth and my granddads name is Chris". " We are a family with lots of passion for music, I mean everyone in my fam plays an instrument". " anyways this is my story".

" my day started great until jake came in, he thought he would be funny". " you know what he did"? "He stole my phone and he posted really awkward pictures on instagram". The whole world knows about the thing I have on my face". "Thanks to that picture"
" okay I know I'm ugly but does he have to show it that way"? "This goes way to far". " what did i do to him"? " well the only thing, I'm going to do something back". "But what"? "Hmm I need to think about that first". " why doesn't he want to delete it"? " and he has so many followers, why does this happen to me"?

Then.... suddenly jake calls...

"Yoo what's up"?
- " shut up"!
"What's wrong hehe".
- "why didn't you delete that foto"?
"Oh well, I like the picture and ill keep it where it is right now".
- " you know what"? I don't want to be friends with you anymore, you just ruïnd my life"! " and i dont let that happen again" bye jake and don't call me again".
- "but"...
"Nothing just leave me alone and never come back okay"?

"You heard that"? " He still thinks he's funny and he still doesn't want to delete it". "He needs to learn that he can't do and say what he wants to everyone". "I mean he just ruïnd my life". " everyone is laughing at me". "That's his fault". " if I can forgive him"? " I don't know".
"Now the time has come where I tell you about the people at my work and my favorite class to work with". "Let's go because it's getting late and they don't like it when I'm to late"." On my waaayy to she schooooll and I looove my work". "I'm sorry I told you I love singing but I didn't say I can sing beautiful so if you don't like it you better don't listen". " it may ruïn your ears". " okay we are here". "Let's go inside". "So this is the school where I'm. Working at". " that teacher right over there, that's mister miller". "He's a man with a good taste of women". " I mean he likes me". " come on look at me". "I'm the prettiest women you can ever find". " okay enough for jokes". " this is my class". " 6b". " it's such an amazing class to work with". " I'm not going to tell you all the names, that's to many". "But I can tell you that this is an amazing class, with amazing kids". " okay I told you about my favorite people and my favorite class". "Hmm what else do I need to tell"? "Oh yea, there's a secret I need to tell you, but don't tell it to anyone". "I'm a popstar ". " Oh haha.....yeah right"!
"You think I'm lying right"? " well I know why you don't believe me". "Ofcourse, it's weird, a teacher who's a popstar"? "But I am and ill show you everything". "Let's go".

"So I told you about the popstar thing"? "Now I'm going to show you the staff and I'm taking you with me to a concert". "How cool is that"? you don't need to scream, I already know I'm amazing". "Haha I'm sorry, but that's who I am and you need to deal with it".

" the people with the camera are: Mike, jacob,Louis and mark".
Then, the people from the make up and dress: Anna, becky,lily and daisy". " then we also have the people for the stage and for my posters, cd's etc..: jake, Michel and adam"."these people make my succesful Carreer possible". "Now, enjoy my story about my double life". "See ya".

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