Shared Visions

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Nervous energy coursed through me as we approached Austin's workplace. An unsettling feeling gnawed at my senses, it was almost the same feeling that I had back at the farm. It felt like déjà vu—a haunting sense that he had somehow tracked me down once more. A shroud of dread clung to my features, impossible to shake.

Austin pulled me from my reverie, his voice softening the edges of my thoughts. "You know, you didn't have to join if you didn't want to," he remarked. His words left me puzzled. "What do you mean?" I shot back. He responded with a smirk that, quite frankly, irked me. "Easy there, princess... I just meant your expression suggests you'd rather be elsewhere." I blinked in astonishment. "No, Austin, I really want to be here. It's just... I feel... well, never mind." His once-happy demeanour seemed to crumble into something more somber within moments. I couldn't tell if he was upset with me or concerned about whatever was bothering me. "You know you can talk to me... about anything," he reassured me.

The car slipped into a hushed lull, leaving me in contemplation. Did I want to share what was bothering me with him? "Austin," I ventured cautiously, "I'm curious. How did you secure us access to your workplace?" His smile made a comeback, his eyes twinkling. "I have my methods, princess." He couldn't resist throwing in that smirk, knowing it got under my skin. "Alright, Mr. Big Shot," I teased, "I see you've got connections. Consider me duly impressed." I could swear I saw his chest swell with a touch of pride at that.

"Alright, everyone, we're nearly there. I hope you're all ready to have a good time," Austin announced with a hint of excitement in his voice. We drove through security check and down into the underground carpark. Austin swiftly manoeuvred around the car to my side, courteously opening the door and offering me a hand. My cheeks warmed with a blush I couldn't hide at his thoughtful gesture. He merely smirked, then turned away, guiding us toward the waiting elevators.

Lulu hurried to catch up with me, her curiosity evident. "So... what was that in the car?" I nibbled at my lower lip, attempting to dodge the question, but Lulu's determination halted me. She tugged gently at my arm, prompting me to stop. "Just remember, we're here for only two years," she reminded me. I nodded with solemn agreement. "I know, which is why I left abruptly the other night. I don't want anything to happen between us; I'm not sure I could bear the heartbreak." I chanced a glance upward and noticed that Austin was looking directly at me, his eyes silently acknowledging that he'd heard every word.

As we entered the building, Austin led us through a sleek, modern lobby with high ceilings and polished marble floors. The place had an air of importance, and I couldn't help but feel a tad out of place in my casual attire. Austin, however, seemed right at home.

He exchanged pleasantries with a few coworkers, introducing us as his friends from out of town. I tried to keep a polite smile, feeling a bit self-conscious. Lulu, on the other hand, was in her element, charming everyone she met.

We continued through a maze of cubicles and glass-walled offices, passing by people deep in conversation, their voices rising and falling like a symphony of business. My eyes wandered to Austin, who moved with an easy confidence, his presence commanding respect from his colleagues.

At one point, he led us to a cozy corner office with a window overlooking the city. It was his workspace, and I was surprised by how inviting it felt, given the professional atmosphere of the place. There were personal touches - family photos, a potted plant - that softened the otherwise corporate environment.

I couldn't help but tease him about his neat desk. "You're quite the organised one, aren't you?" He chuckled, and that easy smile of his made my heart flutter. "You could say that. It helps keep the chaos at bay."

As Austin attended to some work, I found myself drawn to the window. The cityscape stretched out before me, the bustling streets far below. It was a view that could make you feel both small and alive all at once.

I nodded, and in that moment, the world outside seemed to fade away. It was just the two of us, sharing a quiet moment amid the city's noise. We talked about everything and nothing, our conversation flowing effortlessly.

As we leaned against the windowsill, our hands brushed ever so slightly. It was a small, fleeting touch, but it sent a jolt of electricity through me. I couldn't deny the undeniable chemistry between us, a connection that defied time itself.

Before I knew it, it was time to leave, and Austin offered to show us more of the city. Lulu and I exchanged knowing glances; it seemed our day was far from over.

After our visit to Austin's workplace, we regrouped in a cozy café nearby. Lulu was animated, talking a mile a minute about the things she'd observed during our tour. Emmett, ever the attentive listener, nodded along. As soon as Austin got up to order our drinks, Lulu started talking about more serious matters.

"You won't believe the things I overheard," Lulu exclaimed, leaning in closer. "Austin's company is involved in some pretty shady dealings. It's all hush-hush, but I managed to catch some whispers about unethical experiments and data manipulation."

Emmett frowned, his brows furrowing with concern. "That doesn't sound good. We can't let them mess with the timeline like that." I nodded in agreement. "We need to find out more, discreetly. But we can't confront Austin about it, not yet." Lulu nodded, her enthusiasm tempered by the gravity of the situation. "Agreed. We need more information before we can take any action."

As we discussed our next steps, I couldn't help but notice that Austin seemed unusually quiet. His gaze drifted to me, and it was as though we were sharing a secret language. I knew he had heard our conversation, but he didn't interrupt or defend his workplace.

Instead, he leaned in closer to me and whispered, "I've had some strange visions lately, Willa. It's like I can see snippets of the past and the future, but they're all jumbled up."

I was taken aback but tried to keep my composure. "Visions? Like what?" He hesitated for a moment, then continued, "I saw you in one of them, standing in the middle of a lavender field. It was vivid, like I was right there with you."

I felt a shiver run down my spine. "I've had similar experiences," I admitted softly. "It's like the timelines are bleeding into each other."

Emmett and Lulu exchanged puzzled glances but didn't press us for details. Instead, they focused on our mission to uncover the truth about Austin's workplace.

As the conversation continued, I couldn't shake the feeling that Austin and I were connected in more ways than one. Our shared visions hinted at something beyond our understanding, something that tied us together across time and space. It was a mystery waiting to be unraveled, just like the secrets of the past we were here to uncover.

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