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Mina pov

I was eating breakfast with my father at our big table. Maids walking in and out of the room bringing us everything we desired. My father was happily munching on his food talking about his company again. Since he was working a lot we couldn't talk that often, but he tried to make up for it, always eating breakfast with me.

He was the ceo of a big Company named after our last name, Myoui. The company tests water and plants from diffrent oceans, or something like that. I never bothered to listen to all of it.

"Will you finally come to the Company with me. Ms. Im can show you around, you remember her right?"

I just nodded at his question. Of course I knew who Ms. Im was, after all she was my friends mother.

"Right. And then you can watch some of our scientists working!" He exclaimed excitedly. Since I'm supposed to take his place soon, he tries to get me to visit his company. I was tired of him asking all the time, so I decided to finally agree.

"Okay, I will accompany you" a small smile placed itself on my lips when I saw how happy my decision made him. We both already finished breakfast and decided to get ready.

I went upstairs to my room, my personal maid already waiting for me. "I already filled your bathtub, Ms. Myoui." She informed me leaving the room soon after. I took my bath and walked into my walk-in closet deciding my clothes for today. After I got ready I did my light make up routine and went downstairs, to see my dad already waiting, wearing one of his work suits. I put on my shoes before leaving the house with him, making sure I had all my necessities and my phone in my bag.

We walked over to our garage choosing a car to use and made our way to the company. My dad was happily humming to a song on the radio, while I just watched the passing buildings. I felt my phone vibrate in my bag, lying on my lap. I checked it just to see that my friends were discussing in our groupchat if we should meet up in Sana's or Momo's Mansion tonight. I decided to check again later when they decided and turned my phone off again.

We arrived 20 minutes later and my dad parked in the underground garage of the building since it would attract a lot of attention if we would park outside. My father is pretty known as Ceo, since his Company is helping the world or something and since we are rich. All of my other friends were also rich, even though I didn't pick them because they were rich, but because all of our family's know each other so we grew up together.

We got out of the car and made our way to the elevator taking us to the ground level and entrance of the company. Everything was in different blue tones and there was a huge fake whale hanging from the ceiling with small glass marbles, in blue colours were hung all around. I was admiring the design, my jaw practically on the floor at this point. The secretary upfront greeted us with respect as my dad took me to another elevator, where Ms. Im stood, waiting for us.

"Good morning Mr. Myoui" she greeted with a bright smile, which my father returned. "And hello Mina" she came over and hugged me as I greeted her, hugging her back.

Ms. Im was the top security guard of the company. She knew every inch of the building, which is the reason why she was the one touring me.

I was a little excited about the tour. Even though I knew barely anything about the ocean or how that water testing works I still was happy to know that the company was saving the animals in the ocean.

"Okay, then I'll see you tonight, you can just call Mr. Lee to pick you up when you want to leave." Dad said goodbye to me and  Ms. Im before he went to another elevator, having to hold a security pass infront of a scanner before the elevator doors opened.

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