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Mina pov

It's been a week since I first entered my Fathers company. I've been going there daily, watching scientists examining, talking to Irene more and spending a day with Ms. Im to see her job as a top security guard.

I was way happier than last week, where I just lied around doing nothing. It felt like I found something that I enjoyed, I couldn't wait until I finally was able to lead this great company.

But still, I couldn't get the events of the day befor out of my head, adding to the questions I had about my Fathers and Irenes relationship and the money income of the company. I wanted to ask my father what was going on but I knew he wouldn't answer any of my questions.

But after yesterday I had to talk to someone. So I decided to meet my friends.

I just arrived at Sana's house, I didn't have anything with me since sana always lend us any clothes and necessities. The guards infront of sanas Mansion opened the doors for me. Inside I was met with multiple voices of my friends. I walked into the livingroom where Chaeyoung, Momo, Jeongyeon, Jiyho and Nayeon greeted me. As I made my way to the kitchen next, being greeted by Sana, Tzuyu and Dahyun.

We all sat down in the livingroom, as everyone was staring at me questioningly, because one I texted in the groupchat, which doesn't happen often and two I called out for an emergency sleep over.

"So, you guys know how I started getting more involved with my Fathers company"

The girls all just nodded, while munching on popcorn.

"Well yesterday something weird happened..."


I met Irene a couple of minutes ago, she wanted to talk to me more about my interest in the scientific part of the company. So we made our way over to the elevator.

"I have to do something on the 3rd floor, so I'm asking you to wait in the entrance room of the 3rd floor until I'm ready, it won't take long" she assured me, pressing the 3rd button having to type in a password. Fortunately she didn't hide typing the numbers making me see the combination.
1608. I didn't know when I would need it but I tried my best to memorize the code.

Just as the elevator door was about to close, a man pushing a cart with a quite big box on top entered the elevator. The box was hidden under a white cloth making me unable to see the contents. He seemed to be also wanting to enter the third floor since he didn't press another button.

I noticed that a corner of the cloth on the side of the box was folded, making me able to see a small part of the object underneath. It seemed to be a glass tank with a metal construction connecting the sides. It was filled with water and lots of fish.

Why did they have fish here? Irene assured me that no animals were captured in the company's project. What was going on?

My thoughts were interrupted as we arrived on the third floor. The guy leaving the elevator first, with us following behind. The room we reached looked the same as the entrance of the 2nd floor, with a Woman sitting upfront checking the guys ID, befor letting him enter a steel door similar to the one on the 2nd floor.

"You can sit down here" Irene pointed to a black leather armchair. "I'll be right back." Her voice was firm, so I just obeyed and sat down on the armchair which was more comfortable than I thought. Irene also went to the secretary woman showing her her ID befor being let in.

I was sitting there for a while, when I finally checked my phone I realised that half an hour had passed. Just as I was about to start playing games on my phone, a loud alarm rang throughout the room, red lights were blinking repeatedly.

Armed Men came from the elevator as they ran through the steel door. The secretary was busy frantically calling someone and I had a perfect seat from where I could see into the forbidden room. It was pretty dark in there beside the lit up water tanks, similar to the one I saw in the elevator. But what shocked me was the strange tail I saw. It was quite big, it was strangely white and had lots of details. But I only saw it for a split second and since I had no idea of underwater animals I assumed it was some kind of dolphin.

The steel door slammed shut as I acted as if I was just playing on my phone, when I saw the secretary glancing at me.

This whole situation was strange. Firstly, what made the alarm go off and why did they need armed men. Secondly, why did they keep dolphins and fish in here and lastly what the fuck was the company hiding.

After that incident, Irene came back again, slightly panting as we just continued to our former destination as of nothing happened. I kept quiet not wanting to let Irene know just how much I witnessed.


"What the fuck." Nayeon was the first to comment, since her mother, Ms Im, worked at the company and she was worried what her Mother got herself into.

"I'm just so confused. Do they test on animals? Is my father aware of this? What if they hurt the dolphin thing? What if-" I was cut off by Jiyho hugging me. "Calm down Mina. You won't get any answers like this." I didn't notice how worked up I really was about this situation. It was just frustrating since I thought my father was this hero, saving all the poor animals in the ocean, when he just tested on them in reality.

Was the whole project fake? All just so they can test on animals? Was this how the company earned money? There were so many questions running through my head.

Momo convinced us to first eat, since we apparently couldn't concentrate with an empty stomach. Throughout the whole dinner I didn't utter a single word. At this point I wasn't frustrated anymore but more angry, how could all these people let these animals get hurt.

"I say we break in my dad's company and find out why they test on animals and what the real reason behind the company is."

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