death and reincarnation part 2

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Y/N wakes up to being in the hostbitle he looks around and sees doctors near him they notice hes awake and begin telling him to stay awake Y/N knew that if he fell asleep he could die but it was so unbearable and even though he tried to stay awake sleep over came him and he once again blacked out                                                                             

Doctors pov

"NO WE CANT LOSE HIM SOMEONE GET A SHOCKER (i dont know the name of the things that shock a patient to keep them alive sorry) a doctor grabs the shockers and give them to me "CLEAR" i say as i shock the patient but no response i do it again still not response i was about to do it again until another doctor grabbed my arm i looked at him in confusion when i realised........he flatlined.....i stood there tears starting to come in my eyes "you did what you could.....we all did" the other doctor said as another covered the patients body i was still trying to resist crying "dont be hard on yourself if anyone you should blame the person that crashed into him" he said trying to cheer me up but i just walked out of the room to go sob while the other doctors covered his body up

Y/N pov

i woke up in a black void i stood or floated there confused i looked around until a voice could be heard "Y/N" i screamed a bit "Y/N welcome to the reincarnation place where souls around get reincarnated" i stood there a bit shocked wait am i? i looked at where i am then i dead wait did he just say reincarnation? "did you just say that this is where people get reincarnated?" "yes Y/N and you are one of the lucky few who got the chance to come here and i can see your a big fan of the mortem rex right?" the voice asked "yes" i said "then i am willing to let you become that being" i stood there shocked again then realised what he said "wait..WHAAAT?!" "yes Y/N believe me im granting you a wish youve wanted for a long time" i was pacing because i never thought of reincarnation before i then calmed down and realised im gonna be a target in whatever world im in i then looked at the direction of the voice and said "i eccept your offer" "very well now you will be reincarnated as the mortem rex!" the voice said as the room around me began to lighten up until i was so bright to the point where i blacked out

i woke in a black room i was confused but then heard people talking outside i wanted to hear it better but i hit my head on something "ow" i said then i heard one of the people say "guys its time!" through whatever i was in people gathered around me and i realised what they wanted me to do so i kept bashing my head against the wall and then it began to crack then it hit me im in a egg i then continued to break the egg until i was free i quickly got out of my egg only to be met with alot of eyes glued to me i was a bit afraid and didnt know what to do "its adorable" one of the people said now that i get a closer look they look like scientists then i realised what she said "im not adorable!" i said but what came out was a growl "seems like it didnt like that" one of the scientists luaghed a bit but then another voice was heard "please move" the person behind them said then all the scientists moved to reveal someone i never thought i would see .....Dr.henry wu

i stood there remaining still as i looked at him in his full glory but theres one thing i must know he didnt treat the indominus well so who knows what he,ll do to me "this is a valuable asset make sure its put in a proper habitat" the doctor said...

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i stood there remaining still as i looked at him in his full glory but theres one thing i must know he didnt treat the indominus well so who knows what he,ll do to me "this is a valuable asset make sure its put in a proper habitat" the doctor said and with that i was carried out of the lab and put into an enclosure i looked around and explored there was so much green not as much as you would see in my world at home but enough about my world lets focus on this world "woah..." i said in awe at the greenery i was still walking around in my enclosure when i heard something drop "what was that?" i said a little scared i then sniffed the air and then i realised what it was..."meat" i said a little hungry but hey im a carnivore what do you expect i then went to the source and found the meat though it was small but i cant blame em im still a hatchling i went over to the meat and started to eat "mm this is good" i said while eating it then i felt as if people were watching me i stopped eating and looked up and saw wu and some other scientists i looked at them then i went back to eating

DR.henry wu pov

facinating it knows someones watching it "creepy" one of my workers said i then walked out of the enclosure and went to the control centre to tell claire and masrani about this

time skip.

Y/N pov

i was laying down in my enclosure and was about to fall asleep when i heard someone come into my enclosure i quickly hid in the bushes as i heard there footsteps "cmere little dino i wont hurt ya i promise" the guy said but i didnt trust it so i stayed hid while he kept searching trying to bait me "ok then i dont think its here any animal would come out by now" he said as he left giving up i then walked out of the bushes and luaghed "he so dumb ahaahaha!" i then went back into the bushes to get a good nights rest (i wonder what tommorow will be like) i thought as i went to sleep waiting for tommorow to come 

reincarnated as a mortem rexWhere stories live. Discover now