chapter 5 grown up now

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Y/N woke up and when i woke up i felt different i got up and i emmidiatly realised something "im taller?" i quickly banged my head against a wall making sure this isnt a dream "ow!" yep not a dream i looked around and saw my watering hole i quickly go over to it and realise i look older "what happened?" i wonder then i remember "my food..." they must have put something in my food to make me mature faster "huh well i dont have to wait to age now" i said kinda happy i then realised i have to make my den bigger "well time to get to work" i said as i got to work

time skip

when i was done i was satisfied then i heard screaming i was confused and tried to listen to what was going on i then heard a fammiliar roar "thats the indominus" i realised and i heard her break out i was still listening as i heard her mercilesly kill people and she thought no one was left and she walked away i then realised something "no ones here..." i then thought of something and went with it, i started banging my head against the gate i kept banging until it fell down i walked out of my enclosure and looked around and when i saw the truck owen is supposed to be under i just left because i didnt want to chase some human around there just a snack to me and i was once human so its kinda wrong to me i left and went into the forest and started exploring once more

time skip

owen pov

i watched as the t-rex like dinosaur left i quickly got out from under the truck and ran back to the control centre to make sure they dont send in a team to get killed i got to the control centre and quickly started trying to convince them 

i left angered after seeing what happened angered by what they have created 

time skip

Y/N pov

i watched what the indominus did and im horrified she just killed those people one by one without giving a care "" i walked up to the scene and saw a man who survived i quickly went up to him he screamed terrified i quickly tried to calm him down but to no avail he kept screaming i realised he was losing alot of blood and he wouldnt make it so i decided to chomp on his body ending him so he wouldnt have to suffer i ate him and left the scene little did i know that the people in the control centre just watched what i did

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