I'm not her | 𝓨𝓸𝓸𝓷 𝓙𝓪𝓮𝓱𝔂𝓾𝓴

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"There you are! I told you to wait for me by the fountain, I've been looking everywhere for you."

"Hehe sorry, I was just looking around.", you chuckled as you saw your fiance panting while slowly jogging towards you. "Where have you been anyways?" you furrowed your eyebrows, wondering where he went since you've been waiting for him for quite a while.

"Oh i almost forgot, i went to get you these!" with a face full of excitement, he handed you a gorgeous bouquet of flowers.

"Aw Jaehyuk you didn't have to!" you were ecstatic, it was a small gesture but since it signifies a new development in your relationship with him, you were definitely grateful.

"Anything for you." Jaehyuk was definitely satisfied with your reaction, seeing him showing his bright whisker smile.

"But why pink tulips?" you asked out of curiosity while admiring the pretty flowers. Since as far as you remembered, you've once told him you liked white camellias, not pink tulips.

"It's your favourite, isn't it? I gave you them last time." He tilted his head in confusion.

"Ouh, right..." you smiled.

But this is the first time you gave me flowers...

*The next day

"You really didn't have to pick me up, I could just ride the bus." you closed the door after entering Jaehyuk's car.

"I had a meeting with a client around this area, so why not pick you up while I'm here?" He gave his usual bright smile.

You smiled at him in return. Considering your engagement with him was a family arrangement, you didn't expect him to care for you as much since the both of you started off at zero. You were grateful, indeed.

"You wanna come over to my house? I can whip up some dinner for us." Jaehyuk suggested while his eyes were on the road.

You were stunned at first, this is the first time he's invited you over. "Sure why not."

A few minutes later the both of you arrived at his apartment. You changed into his shirt and sweatpants, getting comfortable on his couch while he's busy at the kitchen.

Scrolling through your phone, you noticed a paper sticking out of one of the drawers next to the tv. Thinking you should properly place it inside the drawer, you opened it just to see an old photo of Jaehyuk with someone.

It was a girl. But the face part of the photo was torn. Shrugging it off as you didn't want to pry, you carefully placed it back inside and got up to go to the kitchen to see if your fiance needs a hand.

"Need any help?" you sat on one of the stools by the island.

"Nope, almost done." Jaehyuk placed two plates on the island in front of you.

"Smells good, what are we having?" you asked excitedly.

"Just spaghetti, it's not much but I hope you'll like them. Oh can you help me get dessert from the fridge? I bought them on the way back just now."

"Wow you even got us dessert?" You happily skipped towards the fridge.

"What did you get?" you asked him.

"Blueberry pie."

You froze after opening the fridge.

"You bought blueberry pie?" You asked, stunned.

"Yeah, why? I thought you liked them? Should we have ice cream instead?" Jaehyuk panicked and rushed to you.

"Oh no no, blueberry pie is fine." you gave a small smile and placed the pie on the island.

Didn't I tell him I'm allergic to blueberries...?

After dinner, the both of you went to the living room and decided to watch a movie. A few minutes into the movie, you realised Jaehyuk was already dozing off in slumber. You chuckled lightly. He must've been tired.

"Jae wake up, you're going to hurt your neck sleeping like this." You slowly patted his shoulders, waking him up so he can properly lie down in his room.

He didn't budge and was still sleeping soundly.

"Jae, wake up."

"I'll be up in a minute Jina." he mumbled softly.

You felt a slight pang in your chest.

But I'm not Jina.

At the end of the day you seemed to forget that you were betrothed to a guy who is still stuck in his past,

That this is nothing but just an arranged marriage,

And that you could never possibly win his heart since it seems to still belong to someone else.

-the end-


a/n; another update after a while!! enjoy this one <3 (psst if you noticed the new updates are kind of related to each other. Jaehyuk's past relationship might be from the previous story? we never know :p)

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