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It has been 3 weeks since I'm diagnosed with lung cancer. I hate that so much. I feel good for a few days, but then I have a breakdown. From now on, I decided I dont care, I will spend the rest of my life as the happiest person alive.

Today I'm meeting with mikky, frenkie, Pablo, Pedri and ale. We are going on a trip to Madrid, then we will stay there for a few days. I'm packing everything that's important, clothes, some food for the ride, sunglasses, sunscreen etc.

I saw on my screen that Alejandro is calling.

"Hi Alee."

"Hello mi amor."

"I'm getting ready, give me an hour."

"Sure, you will ride with me and Pablo, then in the other car it is Pedri, mikky and frenkie."

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you more."

And then he hung up, like he wanted me not to argue with him.

Currently I'm packing the last things, ale texted me they are waiting for me.

I take my luggage and leave the house.

I get into the car.

"Hi boys."

"Hi Rosie."

Pablo was sitting on the passenger seat so I needed to sit on the back.

"How much is gonna the ride take?"

"About 5 hours and 30 minutes."


Finally, we're in Madrid. Were walking towards our hotel.

"I'm so tired."

"Shut up Pablo, we all are."

I answered him, and he rolled his eyes playfully.

"Pablo, our hotel Is right next to us."

Frenkie pointed on it.


We laughed.

We entered our hotel, it was exclusive and elegant. We walked over to the reception. The Lady gave us our keys.

"I am with Pablo."

Pedri said.

"I'm with frenkie."

Mikky told us.

So it's me and Alejandro. That's what I wanted. I looked at him, he was already looking at me smiling, so I smiled too.

"We're 652, let's go."

Ale said, I followed him.

"Here's our room."

"Wow, it's beautiful."

Ale smiled.

"You know, I wanted to ask, what's this something Pablo, Pedri and frenkie were so sad about?"

"I can't tell you. But I will try to explain. It is really important for them. That's what I think. And they are really sad because this something is gonna be gone soon."

"I still can't understand, but okay."

I was about to cry, but I holded my tears.
I can't cry. I'm happy, right?

Somebody knocked on our door.


Ale yelled.

Then Pedri entered.

Forever Yours. -Alejandro Balde.Where stories live. Discover now