11: Lilili Yabbay Club

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5 years 11 months later

That morning I woke up and went to work as usual. Except that I was driving Mrs Oh's car to the gallery to return her imported car. As I arrived at the gallery's underground car park, I parked the car at the designated park for Mrs Oh. I swore, never in my life to sweat while reversing a car as I was being extra careful.

The moment I pulled the handbrake, I heard my phone rang. I buckled off the seatbelt while answering the call with a smile.

"Good morning, babe." Wonwoo greeted on the other line with his deep cheery voice.

"How can you be this happy early in the morning?" I voiced out in disapproval while holding a teasing smile.

"Oh, don't be so grumpy. It's a good morning for you to be called by Jeon Wonwoo." He replied, facade a whining voice due to which I chuckled at him.

"You're so annoying." I rolled my eyes.

"But you love me still. By the way, I can't reach you out last night. Did something happened?"

My mouth gaped as I was reminded to my encounter with Hansol that led to my emotional wreck at dawn.

I stayed at the hospital for hours, seeing Hansol getting his medical care. I could not settle before making sure he was alright from the doctors. For a second I had irrational fear that Hansol won't wake up again.

I didn't know why I did, but I dissemble the story from Wonwoo.

"My phone dead. I didn't get to check the battery as I had meeting till night." It was the truth anyway.

"Haeun-ah, you should tell me then. You got me worried." Wonwoo heaved a euphoric sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry, Wonwoo. I won't do it again." I assured him, pursing my lips .

To be honest, it bothered me to tell him over phone. Because I knew thing like that would make it complicated without a proper eye to eye conversation. Later or sooner, I would find a perfect time to discuss about it with him.

"You'll come to uncle Jaehun's house this weekend, right? I have something to say." I got out from the car and locked it with my other hand.

"Yeah, I'm coming. Let's go there together."

"Alright, see you soon. Don't forget to eat!" I reminded him, entering the elevator.

"Love you, Haeun."

I stayed quiet, a bad bubble of anxiety settled somewhere deep in my chest. But, I swallowed it bitter.

"Love you too Wonwoo."

"Haeun-ah! Anyeong!" Miyeon sang while smiling sweetly at me as soon as I reached my cubicle which next to her.

Cho Miyeon was actually really a nice and cute co-worker. At first, I thought that she was really annoying as she was so nosy about someone else's life. But, her bubbly and optimistic personality reminded me to Lia, my best friend in Canada. So, together with that, I felt guilty if I was to ignore her.

"Oh, anyeong!" My mouth curved into a smile. I put my bag on my desk and sat on the chair.

"Yah, what's happening, Haeun?" Miyeon suddenly leaned closer to me due to which I frowned.


"I got to know the guy who searched for you yesterday is a director from VN Ventures. How did you know someone like him?" Her eyes blink in curiosity.

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