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Riley had run into the room screaming for Lucas as Maya and Farkle were far behind her

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Riley had run into the room screaming for Lucas as Maya and Farkle were far behind her. "Where were you? You weren't waiting by our door." The brunette asked the boy. Aurelie had stayed silent as she figured she wasn't seen yet.

"I didn't think it would be a problem if I head to class without you guys." Lucas responded. Riley pouted. Aurelie scrunched her eyebrows, 'Ew.'

"But, you're always supposed to wait for us."

Lucas sighed, "I didn't think it would have been a big deal, Riley." Riley also sighed, "But it is, Lucas." By now, Maya, Farkle, and other students had piled into the class, some even greeting Aurelie as they walked to their desks.

Riley quickly turned around at the sound of the familiar name, "Aurelie! What are you doing here?" She asked as she sat down in her seat. "Where's my dad?"

Aurelie shut off her phone, "I was given an opportunity to shadow over your father's history class this week because it would look good on my permanent record. As for your father, he's probably making himself a cup of coffee in the teacher's lounge right now."

And it was at that moment when Cory had walked into the class holding a thick wad of papers in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. 

Cory placed the papers and the coffee on his desk and faced his class, "Sorry I'm late class, there was an issue with the coffee maker in the office. But I hope that there wasn't an issue with the assignment that I had given you last night."

Simultaneously, the class erupted in groans and moans of "how hard the work was."

"Daddy, the homework was so hard!"  Riley whined as she elongated the 'so.'

"Is that so?" Cory sighed. "At least tell me you guys did the work."

Aurelie watched the class as she perched her face on her hand that was resting on the desk.

"Of course we did, Mr. Matthews!" Maya announced. Aurelie rolled her eyes at the blonde girl, 'Ugh, as if.'

"You didn't do it, did you Maya?" Cory asked her.

"Not a chance." She said as she leaned back against her chair.

Cory, the poor man, had sighed again. "Anyone else?"

Surprisingly, other than Maya, no one else had not completed their homework. "Great, I would like you guys to pull out your work and place them on your desks. Now, can I have a volunteer to collect the work?"

Riley was about to raise her hand to tell her father that she can do it. "It's fine, Mr. Matthews." Aurelie said as she stood up. "I'll collect the papers, just do what you have to do."

Riley slowly put her hand down as Cory gave an appreciative smile towards Aurelie, "Thank you."

Riley watched as Aurelie walked around the class collecting the papers off of each person's desk.

𝗘𝗫𝗣𝗘𝗡𝗦𝗜𝗩𝗘 𝗚𝗜𝗥𝗟, girl meets worldWhere stories live. Discover now