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Lucas was walking to his usual meet up spot with the rest of the gang until he had bumped into someone

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Lucas was walking to his usual meet up spot with the rest of the gang until he had bumped into someone. And that somebody was none other than Aurelie.

She was wearing a creamy white colored shirt with a very low neckline that was tucked into a tight fitting brown skirt, accessorized with a small handbag and a cute little beret. Her blazer being held by one of her arms.

"I'm so sorry, Aurelie. I didn't notice you standing there."

Aurelie furrowed her eyebrows before recognition flashed across her face, "Lucas?"

"Um, yeah, yeah." Lucas gulped after finally taking in her full appearance. She looked so ethereal. 

She airily chuckled to herself, "It's fine, don't sweat it. You heading somewhere?" The older girl asked him.

Snapping out of his trance he quickly made eye contact with her, looking away from wherever he was staring at before, "Oh yeah. I'm meeting with Riley and the rest at Topanga's."

Aurelie raised an eyebrow as she smiled, "Well isn't that a coincidence? I'm meeting Noah over there too."

The pair started walking together, Aurelie leading the conversation as Lucas seemed too distracted by the girl beside him and his own thoughts of Riley and Maya.

"Anything new with you since the last time I saw you?" The girl had asked him. Lucas looked at his shoes, "No, not really. Anything new with you?" 

"Not that I can think of." And the conversation ended there as the cafe was right in front of them, Lucas opening the door for Aurelie.

"What a gentleman." She teased as she walked through the door to find her boyfriend sitting in the back with two drinks. She thanked Lucas for his company in front of his friends and walked towards her man.

The poor boy couldn't even sit down without Riley and Maya jumping him with their questions.

"You walked here with her!?"

"Her boyfriend's gonna kill you!"

"Why did you walk here with her!?"

"Did you talk to her!?"

"What did you talk about!?"

"Can we stop with the shouting! She is sitting right there." Lucas grew frustrated at both of the girls behavior.

"I accidentally bumped into her and it was only a coincidence that we were both coming to this place. We didn't talk much, I swear."

Riley cartoonishly narrowed her eyes at him, "Alright, we'll believe you for now."

Maya sighed, quickly brushing the topic of Aurelie away, "What are we even doing here?"

Riley plastered on a smile, "Great question. I have no idea!"

A waitress had walked towards the group of three with a smile on her face, "Sorry to bother, but we've been informed by a few guests that you three were causing a commotion here. I'd like for you guys to just quiet down a bit."

Lucas' face broke out into a flustered one, "We're so sorry, we promise we won't be loud anymore." The waitress smiled once again, "Thank you."

As she walked away, Lucas faced the two girls, "Can we try to be a little quiet?"

Maya whined, quite loudly causing Lucas to grimace, "But why?"

People from other tables looked at the trio.

Riley copied her best friend, "Lucas, we're not even being that loud!" Lucas could only pinch the bridge of his nose as he hear several guests leave the establishment.

"I know you just wanted to relax, especially from work. I had no idea it would be this loud here, I'm so sorry my love." Noah tried comforting Aurelie with her growing headache as they walked out the door of the cafe.

"It's fine, there was no way you would know something like this would happen." Aurelie placed a hand on Noah's own that was already rested on one of her shoulders.

By the time the couple had walked out of the doors, Lucas had turned back to face the two girls who were still talking so loudly.

"Are you guys literally kidding me?" He asked them.

Maya rolled her eyes at him, "What did we do this time, Ranger Rick?"

"You literally made half the people in here leave. And we promised we would be more respectful." He got up and started walked towards the door to leave. Riley stood up after him, "Where are you going?" 

Lucas sighed, "I'm tired, Riley. I just wanna go home. We'll talk tomorrow." And with that he left the cafe and the two girls.

Riley looked around the cafe, and sure enough, it was practically empty. She stared at one table in particular, Aurelie's table. When she noticed it was empty, she clenched her fists.

'He didn't leave because he was tired. He probably left to go follow after her. What does she have that I don't?" Riley stood still as she thought.

Maya called out to her, "Riley?"

She broke out of her two minute trance, "Yeah?"

"Are you alright?"

Riley didn't know if she was alright. She hadn't been alright ever since she met Aurelie almost four months ago at the mall. And she certainly wasn't alright with Lucas meeting Aurelie either. But they don't know that.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Wanna go get ice cream?" She asked the blonde girl.

"As long as you're paying!" Maya yelled as she ran out of the cafe at the sound of getting a cold treat.

Riley ran out after her friend but abruptly stopped when she saw something she didn't want to see. 

Aurelie, Noah, and Lucas were all standing together, eating ice cream, talking, and laughing. They were having a good time. Without her.

Aurelie was like poison. And she was infecting Riley's life. And the worst part was that Aurelie herself didn't know what she was doing.

Her poison didn't take long to work, and it was so lethal. She could kill a man with her smile and wouldn't even know.

And that's exactly what she did.

Just a bat of her eyelashes and her infamous million dollar smile, Lucas was like a lost little puppy trailing after her every step.

Riley would sell her soul to the devil if it meant she could get a slice of that power.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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