Bethany and I Again: Part 15

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Bachata sensual played. I was in my living room with the lights low. I looked at the time. It was closing in on 11:00 p.m. The thought that she wouldn't come never entered my mind when I laid out the proposition. Maybe I was arrogant in that regard. I sighed.

I left the sofa, grabbed the two glasses, and went to the kitchen. I drank the rest of my wine before placing the glass in the dishwasher. The other glass was empty. I placed it back in the cabinet.

Just as I was about to concede that she wasn't coming, I had a notification from my outdoor camera. I touched my phone and saw her standing at the door. She looked torn. Her fist hovered mid-air. She put it down. She waited and attempted once more and then changed her mind.

I hurried to the door and opened it, "Hey."


I motioned with my head for her to enter before stepping aside to allow her to walk in. She wore a cute little white dress. She looked like a baby doll. She stopped in the middle of the living room and looked around. I walked up behind her and placed my hand on her hip, "I was hoping you'd come but I understand completely if you don't want to do this."

She turned to me, "This is crazy. You know that."

"Life is crazy. But we should explore every crazy option before walking away."


I chuckled, "Okay, maybe not every. But this one is one that we both want to explore."

"This is only happening once, Damian."

"Yeah. Okay. Once."


I lifted her chin. When our lips pressed together, it felt like home. I placed my hand on her chest. Her heart beat rapidly as did mine. The longer we kissed, the warmer we got. I paused to indulge in her gaze. Her scent reminded me of that night. My finger found her moist. "No panties, um."

She smiled, "Should I have worn them?"

I shook my head, "This isn't just about sex."

"Ah, then I should go."

I kissed her mouth sweetly, "Come, I want to show you something," I said to her.

She smiled and followed me to the garage. Her face lit up, "Wow, you finished them."

"I did, there is a festival next month. I entered it."

"That's awesome."

"I made one for you."

Her eyes widened, "I can't—"

I picked up the mask and handed it to her, "It's yours."

She took it. Her hands studied the features of the mask, "I love it. I should pay you for this. It looks like it took a lot of time."

I took it from her hand and placed it on the work table. "I'll hold onto it and give it to you after."

"After what?"

"Just after."


We went back into the house. "So, do you love him?" I asked her. She froze in the kitchen. I stepped in front of her.

"Things are good. And I want them to be good. He's nice. I like him a lot."

"But you two vibe? I mean. That night, we talked about things. We have a lot in common. And I know my cousin. He is a nice guy but eventually, you'll start to see he's not the man for you."

"Why because he can't dance as well as you?"

"I would say 'yes,' but we both know that's not all the two of us have in common." I touched her chin, "This feels effortless."

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