Oh boy, You In trouble: Part 33

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Once my business started running smoothly, I began looking for places to stay. When my brother was out of town on his little fuck-cation, I found a place in St. Pete. A nice three-bedroom apartment. I signed a lease for a year.

I was standing in my empty bedroom deciding how I wanted to situate my new furniture that was arriving within the next few days. My phone kept going off. I finally answered and it was my mother, "Mami, que pasa?"

"Don't que pasa me. Donde andabas?"

Her attitude was something. I couldn't understand why she was so agitated, "I'm at my new apartment."

"Is this the new apartment you got to live with your son that you never told any of us about?"

"What?" I asked. My heart pounded in my chest, "What are you—"

"Don't lie Mateo. Martin told me about this baby living in Jamaica. Como es posible? Why? My grandchild? How can I teach him to speak Spanish if he's on the island learning island talk?"

"Mom, please."

"No. No. I want to see this child. I want to look at him. A mother knows. I'll know."

The call ended abruptly. I stood there fuming. My little brother threw me under the bus.


I could hardly sleep. As soon as morning arrived, I went to see my little brother before he left for work. When I got to his apartment, I opened the door, and went found him in his bedroom getting dressed, "Yo, what the fuck?"

He must have known why I was mad. He threw up his hands, "Okay, let me explain."

"Why did you tell mami that I had a son?" I was up in his face.

He pushed me back, "Mateo you need to calm the fuck down and listen."

"Estoy eschuchando, y que? Dimelo."

He took a deep breath, "It sort of slipped out. I was mad."

"You're not making any sense. What does my son have to do with you being mad at Ma?"

"Christie is pregnant."

My eyes widened. I chuckled. I pointed at him, "Congratulations. When is my nephew or niece due?" I clapped for him.

He rolled his eyes. I assumed he wasn't happy. "Man. All this is mom's fault. If she had not sent Christie to the bar that night, I would not have fucked her. And now, she's pregnant."

I laughed, "Oh shit. You're a dumb ass. You just pushed that chica into Damian's arms...even more so than she already is." Because I knew they had to be fucking.

He gulped, "I only told Ma about your son because she was up on her high horse, I'm sorry."

"Don't use my kid for your shit."

"That was wrong," he said as his head tilted, "where were you last night?"

"At my new apartment. That was the plan, right? You gave me two months. September is almost here."

He nodded, "Nice. Are you in this complex?"

"I found one in St. Pete. Nice. Luxury, Has a dog park, pool, playground, clubhouse, and all that shit."

"Good for you."

"So, papi, que vas hacer con Christie?"

He shook his head. He had that look of desperation. I did feel sorry for him. But he had to man up. He could blame Ma, but ultimately, it was his decision that got Christie pregnant.

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