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I usually enjoy English class.. it's hard to relax when some blondey is breathing down my neck...

my elbows were on my desk, and I was sitting up, unlike normal. Caleb kept staring at me. He wasn't paying attention to the teacher at all, he was glaring angrily at me.

I glanced over at him and sure enough, we make eye contact. He doesn't look away.

We stare at eachother for a long moment, his amber eyes piercing through me.

I sigh and rub my temple.

"Did I do something to anger you..?" I mumbled.

He looked as if I asked the dumbest question.

"Yes." He said sharply.

"What? Can you tell me? I'll try to fix it if you do—"

"Shut up." He cut me off.

I shut my mouth and nodded. I looked back down, leaning over my desk.

"How do you not know what you did." He grumbled.

"... because this is the first time we've spoken besides yesterday... look I get if running into you made you mad and I apologize, but it was an accident." I mumbled.

"I don't care. Your still annoying." He said through his teeth.

I nodded and rubbed my temple again. I decided I would just try to ignore him from now on— how hard could it be. We only have two classes together anyways.


I don't usually like to use my locker, but this year my sister asked me to. She said it would be good I guess. I dunno.

I was walking down the hall in between 4th period and lunch. My paper said my locker number was 236, so it was near my math class.

While I was walking there, a familiar blonde person dashed down the hall in a huff.

The air from his speed brushed past me, I was stunned. I stood still, and looked back. His ears where red in anger.

I watched him dial a lock a few feet away from me, and swing it open, almost hitting me.

He glared at me.

"What." He said dryly.

I cleared my throat and continued walking.

"Heyy man!" A random guy came up to me and put his hand around my shoulder. We continued walking.

I looked at him curiously.

"Aren't you that weirdly popular dude that's friends with Ezra Jackson?" He asked dreamily.

I looked around and nodded.

He pulled away from me and held out his hand.

"Felix! What about you?"

I shook his hand.


"Great~! Well I have a favor to ask, Levi." He said, and grinned widely.

I rose an eyebrow.

"Can you tell me if he's single?" He asked abruptly.

"Why? Are you interested in him or something?" I mumbled.

He shook his head.

"He's a very interesting dude! I like his hair, his eyes, and how he gets angry around me." He grinned.

"Well sorry but he already complained about you plenty. Don't think you have a chance." I grunted, and walked forward.

He quickly caught up.

"But is he single?" He asked while walking backwards, but in-front of me.

I sighed.

"Yes he's single."

His eyes lit up.

"Thanks Levi!" He said, and waved me off before running out of the hall through one of the side exits.

I sighed heavily as I continued to look for my locker.


I walked onto the roof and Ezra was already there. His face was extremely red.

I walked over there and sat next to him.

"What's up? Why's your face so red." I asked.

He huffed and turned toward me.

"It's Felix!" He shouted. "He's so annoying!" He said, his face turning more red.

I sighed. "What did he do."

"He— ugh! He acted completely different from yesterday! He acted like he was into me or something! He's so annoying..." his face grew more red.

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh? What did he do?"

Ezra stammered. "He—flirted with me! Almost all period—!! He kept calling me stupid names like princess! Ugh..." he covered his cheeks, and furrowed his eyebrows.

"He came up to me today actually." I said nonchalantly.

I seemed to have piqued his interest. He tilted his head and relaxed his body a bit.

"He asked if you where single." I said, picking at my food.

His face turned bright red.

"That idiot! How the hell did he know I was friends with you!" He shouted.

I shrugged. "Maybe he's observant."


Me and my sister normally walk home. Our dad works all the time— and the bus in the evening doesn't drop us off until 6. It's just faster. It's only about a thirty minute walk anyway.

I walked into the house and tossed my bag on the floor by the staircase. My sister did the same.

"Dad says he'll be home by 9. Should we get something to eat?" My sister said looking at her phone.

"Yeah. I'm down for Wendy's if that's cool."

She nodded. "Wanna come with?"

"Ehh... nah. I have stuff to do. Chicken burger, mayo and lettuce. Coke please." I said, looking at her on the 2nd stair case step.

"Got it. No fries?"


"K. I'll be back in a bit." She said, leaving the house. I was home alone now. Well, we have a cat, but he's not much company.

I walked up to my room to see my cat, Saturn, laying on my bed.

I sat down next to him and patted his stomach. He purred and curled over my hand.

"K... sorry Saturn I gotta change." I mumbled.

I stood up, seeing Saturn look at me sadly, and walked over to my closet.

I took out a comfortable pair of pants and an oversized hoodie and put those on.

I got back into bed with my cat and took my phone out. I put my headphones in, put some music on and closed my eyes.

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