Night in the lab

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Fans pov

Test tube covers her mouth as she yawns sleepily, her size 5 wrench still in her fist. I check the time to find all the digits a zero. I put her hand on her back.

"Testy, it's midnight. I think we should get some rest" I say, placing my phone on her desk. She looks a little disappointed but shrugs it off, placing her tools back into the toolbox.

"Y'know, I think I could invent a food or something that could really help me stay awake, or atleast skip a nights sleep" she wonders out loud. I chuckle, patting her back.

"But for now, sleep. Ok?" She nods as she places all her stuff back before checking what it looks like outside.

"It's really dark outside" she says,

"No stars or anything" she continues.

"Well uhh, do you... want to go back to the hotel?" I ask. I've always had a slight fear of the pitch black surroundings of 12am. If test tube comes with me I think it'll help, but only a little.

"Aren't you afraid of the dark?" She asks, eyeing me worriedly. I tense up a little, defensively.

"N-NOT AFRAID... just, it's... slightly unsettling" I almost whisper the last part, embarrassed.

"Mhm, right right, totally. I'll let you crash in the lab tonight" she smirks. I gasp and punch the air, screaming "WOOOO". Test tube never lets anyone sleep here. It'll be so cool! Like a sleepover!

She walks into a storeroom and drags out two thin mattresses. 

"Woah, since when did you have those here?" I ask surprised. She turns to me laughing.

"You can find almost anything in a scientist's lab" she says, placing out two sheets we could use as blankets. I immediately jump onto the one on the right, while she grabs a notepad and pen and sits cross-legged on her mattress. I look to my side, glaring at her playfully.

"Really, test tube?" I say. 

"Hey! This helps me sleep!" She exclaims.

"Weird, but ok.." I reply, giggling slightly.

"Oh shut up, you geebweezer" she says. We fall into a comfortable silence, and I listen to the soothing scribbling sounds coming from her pencil notes.

I lay down and look up at her face. She looks calm, her facial features relaxed, and I notice her eyes following the constantly moving pencil. Her eyes...

They've always been a vibrant green colour, something that really made her stand out all the time. Other than her crazy scientific abilities, of course. But those eyes are so unique. I notice the little details about them, how her eyes suddenly light up and the pupils enlarge. She starts writing faster after that. She blinks and I notice her eyelashes. I realise they are longer than a normal person's should be. How come I never noticed till now? 

Her mouth twitches into a soft smile and I stare at her lips. They look soft, and shiny. She puts lipgloss on sometimes. I remember the brand, because I got it for her as a gift. She loved it so much, I still remember the smile on her face. 

A small feeling starts twirling around in my stomach, and it takes me a few seconds to realise what I'm doing.

How.. long have I been staring at her? My eyes widen as the small feeling becomes stronger, gently waving through my stomach. What is this feeling?



Oh gosh no...

I look away, but something in my head told me to look back. So I do, and the feeling returns while my face heats up a tiny bit. Why does she look so... so...


This time I turn my head away fully. My jaw clenches nervously. I did NOT just think that.

C'mon fan, get your head straight, you jeebweezer. Like she says... hehe. I love when she says things like th- NO- NO FAN, YOU'RE DOING IT AGAIN.

It's probably just the tiredness. Yup, JUST THE TIREDNESS. I should SERIOUSLY sleep now.

"Night, tube" I say, facing away from her.

"G'night" I hear her voice say back.

Test tubes pov

After I say goodnight to fan, I look back at my studies. My emotion studies. It always fascinated me how a person thinks and acts, and where their emotions come from. I don't mean where they come from, like how satisfaction and motivation comes from dopamine. I mean the feelings a person gives off. How someone's emotions can sometimes be felt, or shown in their body language.

I've especially been interested in the "aura" concept of it. It's true, when someone feels happy, the surrounding people tend to notice it, FEEL it. Not to mention you can feel yourself giving off the vibe. How your emotions affect the way you see things, like when you're annoyed, suddenly everything is also annoying. I've been looking into it all.

My eyes drag down the list of emotions I'm researching. Joy, depression, determination. The reason I'm building that lie detector is partly to experiment with the emotions like guilt, concern, worry, denial, and especially the content, confident feeling of honesty. I scan the list of emotions and stop at one line that is circled and highlighted.


Love... It's a very broad feeling. There's different levels to it. But the segment for "love" is empty, unlike all of my other studies on the list, which are covered in notes. I don't remember the last time I felt like that. I sure did like some people, before. But the stress of the competition held me back from it.

But I'm not in the competition anymore. I feel myself wanting to feel it again...

But to whom? 

My eyelids droop slightly and I feel my mind getting more tired. I sigh and place my notebook next to fans glasses that he took off before laying down. I hear him snoring softly and feel good, knowing that he is asleep. I uncross my legs and lay down on the mattress next to him, staring at the ceiling with my hands resting on my chest. I look at him smiling and let the grasp of sleep slowly get a hold of me, as I feel the world around me fade away...





I also don't remember the last time I liked someone... It was a good while ago. Going to an all girls school is really different lol...




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