Chapter 2

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Withing the next few days, Matsu prepared for his training, he was up before dawn, his determination unwavering. He had breakfast with his sisters, Yumiko, Iyomei, and Khamenei, and they could see the resolve in his eyes. Yumiko, always the practical one, voiced her concerns. "Matsu, are you sure about this? I've been studying the company's operations, but you're taking on a huge responsibility." Matsu nodded, his expression resolute. "I trust you, Yumiko. You're more than capable. Just remember what I've taught you, and you'll do great." Iyomei, her sightless eyes focused on her brother, spoke with a quiet intensity. "Matsu, be careful during your training. We've heard that these auramancy masters are tough." Khamenei, who rarely spoke but possessed a quiet strength, added her thoughts. "You've always protected us, Matsu. Now it's time for us to support you." Matsu smiled at his sisters, feeling an overwhelming surge of love for them. "Thank you, Yumiko, Iyomei, Khamenei. Your support means the world to me." With his heart fortified by his sisters' encouragement, Matsu left for the training grounds. There, he met with Master Isara, a stern-looking woman with an aura of authority.

Master Isara wasted no time. "Matsu, your training begins now. Manipulation aura is a challenging discipline. You must learn to control your own aura and manipulate the auras of others." Matsu nodded, ready for the difficult journey ahead. "I'm prepared, Master Isara."The training was grueling, pushing Matsu to his limits both physically and mentally. Master Isara demanded perfection, and Matsu was determined to meet her expectations. They worked tirelessly on aura manipulation techniques, honing Matsu's skills until he could shape and control his aura with precision. Days turned into weeks, and Matsu's progress was slow but steady. He faced countless challenges and setbacks, but he persevered, drawing strength from the memories of his family and the promise he had made to them. The spirits that had guided him before continued to support him, their presence a constant reminder of his purpose. During a rare break in his training, Matsu received a message from Calie and Marie. Their words were filled with love and encouragement, reminding him of the bonds that could never truly be broken. It was a lifeline, a connection to the two people who had shared his heart for so long.

Matsu knew that his journey to master manipulation aura would be a long and arduous one. But with the unwavering support of his sisters, the guidance of his teachers, and the love of Calie and Marie, he was determined to succeed.Master Isara continued to push Matsu to his limits, her training sessions becoming increasingly demanding. She had him practice manipulating auras in various forms, from intricate patterns to fluid shapes. Matsu's dedication was unwavering, and he practiced tirelessly, determined to become a master of manipulation aura. One day, as Matsu focused his aura, a dozen rocks around them began to float and spin in intricate patterns. His eyes were closed, yet he maintained control with remarkable precision. It was a testament to his progress in manipulation aura. Master Isara watched silently, her stern expression softening slightly. When Matsu finally opened his eyes and released the rocks back to the ground, she spoke with a mix of approval and chastisement. "Impressive control, Matsu, but don't let your confidence turn into recklessness. Manipulation aura is a delicate art, and overconfidence can lead to mistakes."

Matsu nodded, taking her words to heart. "I understand, Master Isara. I won't let my guard down." She continued, "Remember, mastery of manipulation aura requires not only precision but also adaptability. You must learn to adjust to different situations and opponents. Your progress is promising, but there is still much to learn." Matsu respected his master's wisdom and guidance. He knew that mastering manipulation aura would be a lifelong journey, and he was willing to put in the hard work to achieve it. With each lesson, each challenge, he grew stronger, more skilled, and more aware of the complexities of aura manipulation. As he continued his training, he carried the lessons of his family, the support of his sisters, and the love of Calie and Marie in his heart. These bonds fueled his determination and gave him the strength to persevere in his quest for mastery.The rocks that had been floating gracefully around Matsu suddenly plummeted to the ground, a chaotic clatter of stones. Master Isara watched them fall and sighed, her disappointment evident. She approached Matsu with a stern expression.

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