Chapter 6

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As Matsu made his way to the training grounds, he couldn't help but notice a growing crowd of citizens from his district gathering around him. They approached him with warm smiles and grateful expressions, and their voices filled the air with praises and gratitude. "Lord Kagayaki, you've done wonders for our district!", "We've never had such a caring leader!","Thank you for addressing our concerns, sir!" Matsu, though initially taken aback, quickly recovered and greeted them with a humble smile. "Thank you, everyone. I'm just doing my best to serve our district and clan." An elderly woman stepped forward, her eyes filled with sincerity. "We've seen the changes, sir. Our streets are safer, and our lives have improved. You're truly a blessing." Matsu felt a swell of pride and responsibility. These were the people he was working so hard to protect and serve. "I promise to continue working diligently for all of you. Together, we'll make our district even better." The crowd erupted into applause and cheers, making Matsu feel a deep connection with his people. They were his motivation, his purpose, and their support fueled his determination to become a capable clan head. With heartfelt farewells and well-wishes from the citizens, Matsu finally continued his journey to the training grounds, carrying with him the knowledge that he had made a positive impact on the lives of those he served.

As Matsu entered the training grounds, Emi and Sora were waiting for him, they ran up to him and told him that they're excited to continue their training. Matsu couldn't help but smile as he was greeted by Emi and Sora's enthusiastic energy. They had become not just his fellow students but also his friends during their time training under Master Hiroshi. "That's the spirit," Matsu said, his eyes shining with determination. "Let's make the most of our training today." They nodded eagerly, and together, the trio headed to their training area, ready to dive into another day of honing their aura abilities under Master Hiroshi's guidance. A week had passed and Master Hiroshi had watched Matsu, Emi, and Sora's progress with pride over time. He was confident in their abilities now, and he wanted to put them to the test. The sun was setting as he called them to the training area. "Today, we'll see how far you've come," he said with a stern expression. "Each of you will face me in a one-on-one battle. Use your projections and illusions to your advantage. But remember, it's not just about power; it's about strategy." Matsu stepped forward first, facing Master Hiroshi with a determined look. He projected a katana in his hand, its blade shimmering with energy. As he lunged forward, Hiroshi countered with a projection of his own—a spear of pure aura. The two clashed, their auras creating sparks in the air. "Stay focused, Matsu!" Hiroshi's voice echoed in Matsu's mind. "Use your illusions to your advantage!"

Matsu nodded inwardly, focusing on creating illusions to distract his opponent. He crafted mirages of himself and his katana, making it challenging for Master Hiroshi to predict his movements. Emi and Sora watched in awe as the battle unfolded. Emi was next to challenge their master, and she used her aura to create intricate illusions of fire and smoke, obscuring her movements. However, Hiroshi countered her with an aura shield, deflecting her attacks. Sora, the last to step up, projected a pair of twin daggers, her illusions mimicking the agility of a skilled assassin. She darted around the training grounds, striking from the shadows. But Master Hiroshi's experience allowed him to anticipate Sora's moves. The intense battle continued as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows on the training grounds. Matsu, Emi, and Sora pushed themselves to their limits, testing the boundaries of their projection and illusion abilities. Finally, after hours of battle, Master Hiroshi called an end to the tests. He looked at his students with pride. "You've all shown great improvement. Remember, the key to mastering your abilities is not just strength but also the intelligence to use them effectively. Keep honing your skills."

Exhausted but exhilarated, Matsu, Emi, and Sora nodded in unison. The intense training had brought them closer together, strengthening their bonds as friends and warriors. They knew they had much more to learn, but they were ready to face any challenge that lay ahead. The next day, under the warm embrace of the sun, Master Hiroshi gathered Matsu, Emi, and Sora in the serene training grounds. The atmosphere was decidedly different from their intense battles of projection and illusion. "Today," Master Hiroshi began with a serene smile, "we will explore the third form of projection aura: healing." Matsu, Emi, and Sora exchanged curious glances. They had always associated aura with combat, but the idea of healing through projection intrigued them. Master Hiroshi explained, "Just as we can project weapons and create illusions, we can project our aura to accelerate the natural healing processes within a living being. It's a skill that requires not only precision but also a deep connection with your aura." He continued, "Healing is a gift. It allows us to mend wounds, cure illnesses, and ease the suffering of others. It's a responsibility that comes with great power." Matsu, Emi, and Sora nodded in understanding. The prospect of using their abilities to heal was both humbling and exciting.

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