1: Wet with Cigarettes

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[POV - Canada]

Here we go.

I'm currently on a boat in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. My C1A1 in one hand and helmet in the other. I was snapped out of my trance by Netherlands asking me "How far are we out?" I leaned over, checked the navigation panel and responded

"We're 4 knots away".

"Thanks, Nada".

Netherlands has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. We did everything together, including going to war apparently. We were in a small grey landing craft that held around 40 people. We're making our way to Vietnam to do God knows what. I'm just happy to be here with Neth. We have already cleared a shoreline, so we're not expecting any fighting right away.

I looked over at Neth, who was just humming quietly to himself. He noticed me staring turned to me and smiled. I smiled back. I looked down and examined my helmet. It was green with netting over it. I remember back in basic training they told me that my most useful tool would be my helmet. They listed off many things it could do such as, dig trenches, be a bowl, be a seat, and more. It felt like they named every conceivable thing, but they didn't seem to mention if it could stop a bullet or not and I sure as hell didn't want to find out.

I snapped out of my train of thought as I noticed the craft begin to slow and the ramp start to fall. I got up out of my seat as the rest of my platoon did and we left the boat, being met by a nice sandy beach. I knelt down and touched the sand. It felt smooth, but just as I started to enjoy myself, I was yelled back over to the boat to help carry the equipment out. I grabbed a radio and brought it back out to the beach and placed it on the tarp we had set up. We were going to have to move into the forest soon, but it was nearly sunset, so we set up camp on the beach.

We were instructed to set up our tent for the night and after about an hour of hard labour, it was finished. Each bed was big enough to hold two people. Me and Neth decided to sleep together because we knew that we could trust each other.

I sat down on the bed and opened my bag. Inside the bag, I had my essentials, some MREs, water, ammo, a compass, a toothbrush and a picture of me, my older brother America, and Neth... Man, I miss my brother. Considering he was one of the people that started this whole war, I haven't seen him in a while. He's 8 years older than me, but nearly half a foot shorter. He grew to be 5'10, but I'm already 6'3.

I was all the sudden startled by Neth sitting on the bed next to me. "You okay Nada?" He asked as he put his arm around me.

"Yeah, I'm fine... Just wishing my brother was here." I replied lying back on to the bed. Neth soon joined me. We just lay there together. I was thinking about how I would feel if Neth wasn't here with me. I don't know if I would have made it out of basic training. Hehe.

After a few minutes of peaceful rest, I got up, brushed my teeth and changed into my sleeping clothes. When I got back to my bunk I could see Neth already sleeping. I looked at him and smiled. I slowly crawled over him to the other side of the bed and closed my eyes. As I lay there I thought about my family and how much I missed them. I also thought about tomorrow and what it could entail. I slowly felt my eyes closing and eventually I fell asleep soundly. For now.

[POV - Ukraine]

I do not want to be here.

But I don't really have a choice.

I'm currently in some random trench in a place I don't even know the name of. It's raining and I don't even have a fucking jacket. Just a stupid camo uniform that doesn't do jack shit. I'm tired and wet, but I'm glad I'm here rather than stuck with Russia and the rest of the East. I can't believe I'm at war with most of my family. I grew up with Russia and now he's my mortal enemy. I'm just glad I got out before the East consumed me.

I stared down at my AK-47. My only friend in these trying times. It was fully automatic, but if required you could switch it to single fire. The adjustable stock rested nicely on my shoulder as I sat in the trench with the rest of my squad.

I reached into my pocket and grabbed a pack of Marlboro's and a lighter. I kept flicking the lighter, but it wouldn't light. I must have looked desperate because the soldier beside me leaned over and asked "Hey you need some help?".

I thought about his offer. I was always taught to never accept help as it could make me appear weak and vulnerable. But what's the worst that could happen? "Y-yeah sure" I responded slightly cursing myself for stuttering. He took the lighter out of my hand and effortlessly lit my cigarette.

"Thanks, I guess" I said as he handed back my lighter. "No problem kid". I slightly choked on the smoke in my lungs from what he said. Yeah, I am short, but it kind of feels demeaning to be called a kid. I know I'm only 17, but I'm practically an adult.

I took one last puff of my cigarette and threw it onto the ground stomping it out. I checked my watch and it was already 20:23. I took out my small pocket journal to write down my daily summary. It's been 2 weeks since I landed here and not a single sign of the East Bloc. I miss my West Bloc siblings. I wish I could see them. I miss Latvia's cooking. All I have to eat here is mush in a bag with hot water. I don't even know where I am. All I know is I'm somewhere in the south of Vietnam. Today we were walking through the forest to the next trench and we passed a village. It was completely abandoned. All the food was still there and none of the belongings had been taken. It's like they vanished. I'm happy to be fighting for my citizens, but sometimes it feels like I'm just stuck in a never-ending hole. I'm not exactly scared of death, but I do my best to prevent it. If an artillery shell rains from the sky and blows me to bits, so be it. There's nothing I can do anyways.

Just as I finished writing my passage our sergeant told us to pack up and get to bed. I got up from my muddy spot on the ground and searched my backpack for my tarp. Once I found it I threw it onto the dirt and laid down on it.

But I knew I wasn't going to get any sleep.

I could feel the rain slowly dropping onto my face. I was so hungry. And tired. All I can hope is that tomorrow will be better.

But I doubt it.

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