15 - A Mix That Should've Never Happened PT.2

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As Marina let go of the hold she had on the towel pressed against my face I opened my eyes to immediately be surprised by a room of my teammates from not only Madrid but Manchester.


They all screamed as I looked around as I saw the cake in the middle with a DJ's stand next to it and looking up to see a painting of me on the wall on top of everything as the portrait of my father laid to the side and everyone looked happy at me smiling as I looked at all the faces from my teammates not only my teammates but.. old teammates it was a amazing sight to see as I saw Hugo walk in no other than with Alex Ferguson my former coach.

I didn't even think before I turned and picked up Mariana hugging her in the air as she giggled and I let her down as she pat my shoulder "Go have fun I'll get us drinks" she said smiling as she walked away to where the cups were that had many and multiple options from soda to sparkling water as I didn't care right now for my diet.

"Hey Ronny long time no see" Anderson said as I nodded and shook his hand as he drank the grape juice and peered over my shoulder "Well I see you've got a last now" he said as I nodded raising a eyebrow "She seems better like a gem" he said "What are you even talking about Anderson?" I said sighing "Well gems are rare nothing like diamonds that cost millions you don't find gems everywhere you didn't find her at some shop" he asked me looking up as I chuckled "Book store but I guess it was a shop"  I said as we both laughed "Classic Ronny I just hope you don't break the girls heart she seems really genuine the articles wrote a lot" he said putting his drink down "You read those?" I asked him "I don't but there everywhere so how could I not?" He said as I laughed "You read articles on me Anderson?" I said mockingly "Ronny you're very full of yourself when you shouldn't aren't you?" A voice said as I turned to see my old coach.

I ran over to hug him before I Hugo walked over with Mariana who was holding all the drinks and smiled looking up at me "Shouldn't we party for a bit?" She said as I nodded and heard the DJ switch the song to a slower but nice one as Mariana put the drinks down and I softly wrapped my hands around her waist "Thank you Mariana" I said putting my head deeper in her neck "For what Cristiano?" She asked looking up at me "Everything" I said as I let go of her and picked up one of the drinks and tasted it "Champagne?" I asked with my eyebrow up looking at her "The best your favorite for you" she said smiling "how'd you know?" I asked "Well Elma and Katia were a big help and Junior.." she said slurring at the end of her sentence.

"Don't tell me you asked Junior" I said as she rolled her eyes "Never Cristiano he helped with something way different stop asking so many questions just enjoy the night I planned this out really hard" she said as she walked up to me looking up at me before pulling out a rose and putting it behind my ear looking up at me "The fight with Rooney.. I don't tell you make up with him but do what brings you peace if that's what bothering you" she said softly as I nodded and went back inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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