Dear Mammon

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The rain fell in a relentless downpour, matching the turmoil in Mammon's heart as he stood outside the RAD dorm. He had just received the letter from MC, the one that shattered his world into a million pieces.

Dear Mammon,

I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for what I'm about to do. My reasons are my own, and I can't explain them right now. All I can say is that I need to go, to find myself, to find my own path. This is goodbye, at least for now.

Tears welled up in Mammon's eyes as he read those words over and over again. MC, the one person who had managed to break down his tough exterior and reach the depths of his heart, was leaving him. Without a trace, without a hint of where they were going.

The raindrops mingled with Mammon's tears as he clutched the letter tightly. He had always been the one to act tough, to pretend he didn't care, but in truth, he had fallen harder for MC than he ever thought possible.

He remembered their moments together, the laughter, the teasing, and the warmth of their embrace. They had been his refuge in this chaotic realm, and now they were gone. He felt like a part of him had been ripped away.

Days turned into weeks, and Mammon couldn't shake the emptiness that had settled into his chest. He tried to distract himself with gambling, parties, and reckless spending, but nothing could fill the void left by MC's absence.

One night, unable to bear the pain any longer, Mammon found himself at the same spot where he had received the fateful letter. He gazed up at the rain-soaked sky, his heart heavy with longing.

"I miss you, MC," he whispered into the cold, unforgiving night. "I'd give anything for one more moment with you, to hear your voice, to see your smile."

But there was no response, just the sound of raindrops falling, echoing his loneliness. Mammon knew he had to find a way to move forward, to heal his wounded heart, but for now, the pain of MC's departure remained an ever-present ache, a constant reminder of the love he had lost.

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