Harbingers Of Death

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Bridget had a sister. Well, someone who claimed to be her sister. Her knowledge of Bridget's name, birth date and birthplace didn't prove anything. Information like that could be easily accessed by anyone with a half-way stable internet connection. But then again, she didn't know anything about her mother or her life in the States, so it wasn't like she could rule out that possibility with absolute certainty.

A pang of jealousy wormed itself into her heart at the thought of her mother keeping and raising that potential sister as her own while she had abandoned and completely forgotten about her first born. What did that sister have that she lacked?

She knew she shouldn't care so much about this. The woman that had been written down as her birth mother in Bridget's birth chart had never truly been a mother to her. Bridget did have her mhamó and should be grateful for that. But seated deep down within her, there was still a little girl's longing for the love of a mother who had never once looked at her twice.

The five Originals observed her with worried expressions as she sorted through stacks of folders and papers on her desk, collecting the documents Inspector Nolan had asked her to bring with her to the police station in Killarney. Documents that proved that she was indeed Bridget O'Sullivan, daughter of Moira Aileen O'Sullivan. Even without the completed matebond, they could see the whirlwind of emotions going through her at the moment. Her anxiety, pain and curiosity were written all over her face, plain to see for everyone.

Packing her birth chart as well as a copy of the O'Sullivan family register that was dating back to the early middle ages in her bag, Bridget proceeded to slid back into her teal-coloured raincoat.

"I have to go on my way now," she explained to the Originals. "I don't know how long I'm going to be gone. I will have to go down to the village first and ask Elsie if she can borrow me her car for the day."

"That won't be necessary, love," Niklaus stated, grinning sheepishly. "We already have a car."

Bridget shot him a surprised look.

"I thought you time travelled here with nothing but the clothes on your body?"

"Oh we did," Niklaus replied. "But while you were at work yesterday, we went on a little shopping trip. You know, to retrieve some necessities. New clothes, phones...a car."

Bridget was still confused.

"How did you get a car leased?"

Kol grinned.

"Compulsion, darling, is indeed an useful tool."

She narrowed her eyes at him.

"You mean you stole it."

Niklaus rolled his eyes.

"Leasing a car, stealing it, apples, oranges - the point is, we have one."

Bridget bit her lip. Using a basically stolen car felt wrong. That was not how she was raised. But if she went down into the village now during lunch time, chances were high that she'd run into her colleagues or worse, her boss, when she was supposed to be lying sick in her bed. She couldn't afford to lose her job. Maybe she could put aside her morals for today.

She sighed in resignation.


"Perfect!" Rebekah beamed, clapping her hands in excitement. "I'll drive!"

Bridget held her hands up, looking at the blonde Original in surprise.

"Wait! You want to come with me?"

"Of course, lovely," Rebekah stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Your pantry needs to get stocked and we need to get another bed or a mattress at the very least. I'm not sleeping on the floor again."

Of Longing Hearts & Twisted Fates I Mikaelson MateWhere stories live. Discover now