Long Days

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I personally got no idea what I even wrote here. Its a mess lets be honest! I got carried away and my terrible writing just got worse! If your game enough to read this then I have respect for you because I can't write oneshots for my life. Goodluck is all I will say.

Otis wasn't home when you got back. It was a long day at 51 and you were ready to go to sleep for at least 15 hours. Otis had left after you and had apparently swung by Molly's on his was home. As you arrived home you threw your bag down at the door. Considering it was already late you decided to head to bed, falling asleep quickly.
Otis arrived home 3 hours later, trying to quietly close the door and put his gear down. Unfortunately for him you had left your bag by the door and in the dark Otis had managed to trip over it. Hearing a bang you woke up, listening to hear who it was. You hear Otis softly swear to himself, the sound of his boots walking into the living room before he takes them off. Smiling to yourself, you curl back up and wait for him to eventually join you. 
It wasn't long before Otis made his was to your shared room, opening the door as quiet as possible. He changed out of his clothes and quietly got in bed. "What took you so long" You mumbled sleepily. 
"Sorry if I woke you up love, someone left their bag at the door instead of where its supposed to go" You could hear him smiling. He shuffles closer to you before pulling you into him, his warmth comforting you. 
"In my defence it was heavy and I didn't want to carry it anymore" You replied, snuggling into his chest. He was the best person to cuddle up to after a long day.
"So you left it at the door for me to trip over? How kind of you" He says softly, kissing your head and tightening his grip around your waist. 
"I'm so considerate" You add, sleep trying to overtake you.
"That you are" Otis replies, closing his eyes as you both drift off to sleep.

When morning arrived much earlier than wanted, the sun was shining brightly over your room. Otis stirred as you cuddled deeper into him to hide from the light. Otis woke to your movement as he was a light sleeper. "Good Morning love" Otis says softly as he runs his fingers through your hair.
"Its too early for this" You respond quietly, hiding your face in Otis's side.
"Come on baby, I picked up some food last night, your favourite!" Otis says, lightly shaking your shoulder. 
"I love you so fucking much" You say kissing him quickly before getting out of bed and heading to the kitchen.
"I love you too" Otis says smiling before following behind you.

Otis really was the best boyfriend you could ask for. Even on the longest of days he would bring you your favourite food, take you to cool places and buy you special things. You really couldn't get much luckier than Otis.
You put your food in the microwave and lean on the edge of the bench watching it go round and round. You practically zone out until you feel someone walk up behind you, leaning their head on your shoulder, arms wrapped around your waist.
"I can't believe you bought me home food" You hum, spinning around to face him. 
"Well what else am I supposed to bring home for you?" He replies, locking eyes with you.
"A ring would be nice" You mumble accidentally. Once noticing what you had said you quickly add "I'm joking!" before he can say anything. You really weren't joking, you wanted him to hurry up and propose. He stood there looking at you, but not really looking at you. His mind was somewhere else, and so was yours. Thankfully the microwave could end the awkwardness of the current situation. Its beep breaking you and him away from your thoughts. Otis took a step back, giving you space as you got your food out and made your way to the table.
"Coffee?" He asks, trying to change the subject.
"Sure babe" You reply. There is no way you actually told him to bring a ring home, you thought. Otis made you coffee just how you liked it as usual.
"Here Y/N" He says, carefully putting a cup of coffee next to you. Y/N? What happened to all the nicknames? You were starting to worry now.

A knock at the door drew Otis away from you. He leaves the room and heads to the door. You could hear him talking with someone but couldn't quite hear enough to know who. "Who is it Otis?" You say, loud enough for him to hear you. Before you get an answer you hear the door close and two pairs of footsteps walking into the room. It was Cruz. "Oh morning Joe" You say, wondering why Otis didn't respond to you.
"Morning Y/N" Cruz responds before looking at Otis. You usher to them to sit down and they do. A message popped up on your phone and you look at it. It was from Gabby, asking you to come into Molly's as soon as possible. Cruz and Otis were talking about god knows what as you stood up. 
"I've got to go to Molly's to meet Gabby" You say, putting your plate and cup in the sink. You rush into your room to get dressed as fast as possible but before you leave you overhear a bit of Cruz and Otis's conversation. 
"She told me she wanted a ring Joe, what on earth do I do!" Otis says softly to his best friend.
"Well you love her don't you? She's everything you ever dreamed of isn't she?" Cruz responds quietly.
"Of course I love her! I want to spend the rest of my life with her man! She's everything to me! She's all I need and all I will ever need!" Otis says back, "I just didn't think she wanted to marry me" Lets be honest you weren't really one for getting married and having kids but with Otis it was different. You wanted to marry him, you wanted kids with him, hell, you wanted forever with him. 
"Then what are you waiting for man, clearly you love each other. And it seems like she's ready for the question"
"Yea I suppose I better start looking at rings" Otis replies. Your heart was in your mouth. The man you loved more than anything just said he would start looking at rings! Realising that you were supposed to be on your way to Molly's you finally walk around the corner. Otis and Cruz ended their conversation and tried to cover it up with talking about 51. 
"I've got to head off now" You say to Otis, giving him a loving smile. "Don't steal him for too long Joe" You say to Cruz, lightly tapping his shoulder.
"I'll make sure he's home for dinner" Cruz replies, smiling.
"I'll see you tonight" You say to Otis, giving him a quick kiss before heading to the door.
"Yea see you tonight Y/N" Otis replies. You leave the house and head to Molly's.

It was later than expected when you got home. Whatever Gabby needed your help with took all day and it was 6pm by the time you got home. You opened the door and got hit with the most amazing smell. Otis had started on dinner! "Hey Otis I'm home!" You called as you took off your shoes and walked into the dining room. 
"Hey Y/N! How was your day? Did you get everything done at Molly's?" Otis says from the stove.
"Yea I did. Hey can I talk to you about something?" You say, Otis turns around to face you.
"Yea of course" He replies.
"A-are we ok?" You ask, looking at Otis "You've been cold to me since this morning"
"Of course we are ok" Otis says, putting his hands on your shoulders "I just needed a minute to comprehend what you said thats all. I still love you more than anything" 
"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said it, it was an accident" You say softly, not being able to look him in the eyes.
"Hey look up here, I'm up here not down there" He tilts your head up towards his "I love you more than anything ok?" He looks down at you. 
"I love you more than anything too" You respond, smiling at him.
"Come here" Otis says before pulling you into a tight hug. You hug him back, hoping that he will never let go. 
"Is something burning?" You say, sniffing the air.
"Oh shit!" Otis says, letting go of you and turning back around to a charcoaled steak. You laugh at his mistake.
"Otis, hunny, this is why your not allowed in the kitchen unsupervised" You joke.
"Oh really? I'm not allowed in the kitchen hey?" He responds, playfully flicking the tea-towel at you. And thats how the night ended, you running away from Otis while he chased you with a tea-towel. The house full of laughing and love.

Brian "Otis" Zvonecek OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now