Chp. 1

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It had to have been the absolute hottest day of the year over in Americas third largest state. The temperature in California that day had reached a scorching 105 degrees, and heat advisories had been set in multiple areas, including this one. Though, heat like this wasn't really something that bothered this demon as he stood outside, sunglasses in place, face up towards the sun.

Tom wasn't fazed, in fact, being the demon that he was, he usually bathed in fire - showered in it on days he was in a rush. Today was one of those days as he lit fire under his feet and snapped his fingers together, showing up in the Diaz's household within seconds. He figured Star and Marco may have been bored out of their minds and dying from the heat, and who better to annoy them than the coolest demon alive? He wasn't much of a helper, but figured today he'd let himself just this one time, plus he hadn't seen his friends in quite a while.

Tom adjusted the sunglasses on his face and glided up the stairs to Marcos room, opening it quietly and peering inside to be met with the boy himself. Marco was draped over his aqua bean bag chair in the most dramatic pose Tom had ever seen. He had an ice pack over his eyes and forehead, and a fan blowing directly on him, yet Tom still seemed to notice the beads of sweat gathered around his neck and collarbones. The boy groaned and stretched further, taking a deep breath-

"Whyyyy is it so hot in here? Does the air not work or something?" He figured he was talking to himself until another voice rang out in his room.

"Well, maybe cause I just walked in," Tom gave his usual smug smirk as Marco jumped hard in his seat with a squeal, almost falling off the edge of it. He laughed as the human quickly tried to gather his composure again.

"Tom?! Wh- What? What are you doing here in my bedroom!? You scared the life out of me!" Marco huffed, glaring over at the demon and the annoying quirk on his mouth.

"Oopsie-" Tom couldn't stop his laughing fit, even doubling over at how easily hed scared Marco like this. "Won't happen again-" It absolutely would happen again.

As Marco slouched back into his bean bag chair, Star whisked open the door with her wand, walking in with a droopy face and frizzy blonde hair. She trudged right over to her best friend's bed, flopping down onto it face first with a groan.

"Maarccoooo-" She drew out his name until all her breath was gone, taking another deep one. "Why is it so hot in this house! I've never been this hot before in my life!" She flipped onto her back, waving her arms up dramatically till she noticed Tom standing a bit off to the side.

"Uhg- What do you want?" Her tone was more playful than anything, but she was curious on why hed just shone up. Usually the demon had better things to do than hang around here.

Tom crossed his arms, raising a brow under his sunglasses. "Well first, I'd like a little more excitement about my presence here?" He hummed, frowning when neither of them said anything for a few beats.

"I got us all three tickets to that new waterpark they just opened about an hour from here," he sighed and noticed that both of them sat upright immediately at this. The ice pack slowly slid down Marcos face, plopping into his lap.

"Wait really?! Like seriously?" Marcos expression brightened and Star was already up on her feet, bouncing on her tiptoes with excitement.

"Wait.. You didn't steal those did you?" Marco gave the taller demon a suspicious side glance as he stood up, the demon giving an offended huff.

"What? Why would I ever steal something! I'm so above that Marco Diaz! I'm offended that you would even think of accusing me of that! he smirked down at the boy who crossed his arms in return.

I Accept You As You Are (Tomco)Where stories live. Discover now